Faculty & Staff

Department Leadership
Mitchell Norotsky, MD, FACSChair & Professor (802) 847-5354Email | Bio
Andrew Stanley, MD, FACSDeputy Chair & Associate Professor(802) 847-7097Email | Bio
Administrative Staff
Kristin AllardRecruitment Process Coordinator / Lectureship Coordinator, Grand Rounds, Web Admin / Faculty Actions- Reappointment, Promotions and Tenure (RPT)(802) 847-3418Email
Tina Blais-ArmellAcademic Asst. General Surgery / Pediatric Surgery / Vascular Surgery (802) 847-2194Email
Jenna Haskins

GME Administrator for Neurosurgery Residency Program (UVM Medical Center)

(802) 847-3152Email
Luke Hebert Academic Asst. Acute Care Surgery / Cardiothoracic Surgery / Neurosurgery / Plastics Surgery(802) 847-4910Email
Mattie Pontecorvo
Vascular Surgery Fellowship Administrator (UVM Medical Center)
(802) 847-0696
Gregory LamoyGME Administrator for OHNS/ENT Residency Program (UVM Medical Center) Email
Linsey McKinleyGeneral Surgery Residency Program Administrator (UVM Medical Center)(802) 847- 2566Email
Amy LigayBusiness Support Generalist / Academic Asst. Surgical Research
(802) 656-4216Email 
Michelle Mayer-ReidExecutive Assistant (UVM Medical Center)(802) 847-5341Email
Leigh (Dana) MeyerhardtAcademic Asst. Urology / Surgical Oncology / Otolaryngology Email 
Meaghan McKenna
Research Grants Manager
(802) 656- 3879Email
Nicole NeimannUrology Residency Program Administrator (UVM Medical Center)(802) 656-5884Email
Julie ParisBusiness Manager / Administrator (802) 656-3451Email
TBD Clerkship Student Education Coordinator (802) 656-1392Email
Lisa Washburn Advanced Integration Student Education Coordinator / Academic Asst. Ophthalmology (802) 656-8907Email
Subspecialty Chiefs
SubspecialtyName/Title PhoneInformation
Acute Care SurgeryInterim Alia Aunchman, MD, Assistant Professor(802) 847-4910Email | Bio
Cardiothoracic SurgeryFuyuki Hirashima, MD, Associate Professor 
(802) 847-4910Email | Bio
General Surgery and Gastrointestinal Surgery
Edward Borrazzo, MD, Professor (802) 847-2194Email | Bio
Bruce Tranmer, MD, Professor
(802) 847-4910
Email | Bio
OphthalmologyBrian Kim, MD, Associate Professor(802) 847-2194Email | Bio
OtolaryngologyHeather Herrington, MD, FACEP, Associate Professor (802) 656-5884
Email| Bio
Pediatric SurgeryKennith Sartorelli, MD, Professor (802) 847-2194Email | Bio
Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic SurgeryDonald Laub, MD, Professor
(802) 656-5828Email | Bio
Surgical OncologySeth Harlow, MD, Associate Professor (802) 656-5828Email | Bio
Surgical ResearchJonathan Boyson, PhD, Professor(802) 656-4216Email | Bio
UrologyMark Plante, MD, Professor(802) 847-1308Email | Bio
Vascular SurgeryDaniel Bertges, MD, Professor (802) 847-2194Email | Bio


Adam Ackerman, MDAssistant Professor, Acute Care SurgeryEmail | Bio
Wasef Abu-Jaish, MDProfessor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio
Thomas Ahern, PhD, MPHAssociate Professor, Surgical ResearchEmail | Bio
Lisa Alexander, MDAssistant Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Gary C. An, MD, FACS
Professor, Acute Care Surgery
Email Bio
Alia Aunchman, MD
Assistant Professor, Acute Care Surgery
Email | Bio


Daniel Bertges, MDProfessor, Vascular SurgeryEmail | Bio
Chantal Boisvert, MDAssociate Professor, OphthalmologyEmail 
Edward Borrazzo, MDProfessor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio
Jonathan Boyson, PhDProfessor, Surgical ResearchEmail | Bio
Christopher Brady, MD, MHSAssociate Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
William Brundage, MDAssociate Professor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio


Peter Cataldo, MDProfessor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio
Jessica Cintolo-Gonzalez, MDAssociate Professor, Surgical OncologyEmail | Bio
Curtis Cleveland, MD
Clinical Practice Physician, Urology
Email | Bio
Robert Chase Cockrell, PhD
Associate Professor, Surgical ResearchEmail | Bio


Roxana del-Rio Guerra, PhD, SCYM(ASCP)Faculty Scientist Email | Bio
David Diaz, MDAssistant Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Oliver Dienz, MDFaculty Scientist Email | Bio
Jeremy Dressler, MD
Assistant Professor, General Surgery
Email | Bio
Katrina Ducis, MD
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery
Email | Bio


A. Larson Erb, MD
Assistant Professor, Acute Care Surgery
Email | Bio
Krista Evans, MDAssociate Professor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio


Katelynn Ferranti, MD
Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery
Email | Bio
Mead Ferris, MD
Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery
Email | Bio
Patrick Forgione, MDAssociate Professor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio
Erin Fuller, MDAssistant Professor, General Surgery & Acute Care SurgeryEmail | Bio


Daniel Gerges, MDAssistant Professor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio
Richard Grunert, MD, FACS, FECSM
Assistant Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio


Seth Harlow, MDAssociate Professor, Surgical OncologyEmail | Bio
Heather Herrington, MD, FACEP
Associate Professor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio
Fuyuki Hirashima, MDAssociate Professor, Cardiothoracic SurgeryEmail | Bio
Peter Holoch, MDAssociate Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
John Horan, MD, FACS
Clinical Practice Physician, Urology Email | Bio
Elizabeth Houle, MDAssistant Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Richard Hubbell, MDProfessor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio


Brian Irwin, MDAssociate Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
Frank Ittleman, MDProfessor, Cardiothoracic SurgeryEmail | Bio


Ryan Jewell, MDAssociate Professor, NeurosurgeryEmail | Bio


Martin Keller, MD Associate Professor, Pediatric SurgeryEmail | Bio
Sarah Kelso-O'Brien, MDAssistant Professor, General SurgeryEmail
Brian Kim, MDAssociate Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Benjamin King, MDAssistant Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
Hannah Kooperkamp, MD
Assistant Professor, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Email | Bio
Urszula Kowalik, MD
Assistant Professor, Urology
Email | Bio
David Krag, MDProfessor, Surgical OncologyEmail | Bio
George Kurien, MDAssistant Professor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio


Julie Adams Lahiri, MDAssociate Professor, Vascular SurgeryEmail | Bio
Donald Laub, MD Professor, Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic SurgeryEmail | Bio
Jeremy Leonard, MD Assistant Professor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio
Brandon D. Liebelt, MD
Associate Professor, Neurosurgery
Email Bio
Scott Lollis, MDAssociate Professor, NeurosurgeryEmail | Bio
Constantinos Lovoulos, MD Associate Professor, Cardiothoracic SurgeryEmail | Bio


Andrew Mahoney, MDAssistant Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
Dev Majumdar, PhD
Assistant Professor, Surgical Research
Email | Bio
Ajai Malhotra, MDProfessor, Acute Care SurgeryEmail | Bio
Monica McDonald, MDAssistant Professor, Cardiothoracic SurgeryEmail | Bio
Jessica McNally, MDAssistant Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Robert Millay, MDProfessor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Gerald Mingin, MDAssociate Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
Mohammad Mohaghegh, MDAssistant Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
Jesse Moore, MDAssociate Professor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio
James Murphy, MDProfessor, Pediatric SurgeryEmail | Bio


Robert Nesbit, MDAssociate Professor, Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic SurgeryEmail | Bio
Mitchell Norotsky, MD, FACSChair, Department of Surgery & Professor, Cardiothoracic SurgeryEmail | Bio


Conor O'Neill, MD
Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology
Email | Bio
Carolyn Orgain, MD
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology
Email Bio
Erin Ostby, MD
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology
Email | Bio


Michael Parker, MDAssistant Professor, Vascular SurgeryEmail | Bio
Charles Patterson, MD
Assistant Professor, Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery
Email | Bio
Jonathan Paul, MD
Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Email Bio
Stephen Pecsenyicki, MDAssistant Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Paul Penar, MDProfessor, NeurosurgeryEmail | Bio
Stephanie Pero, PhDAssistant Professor, OncologyEmail | Bio
Scott Perrapato, DO, FACOS
Associate Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
Jaime Pineda, MDAssistant Professor, OncologyEmail | Bio
Mark Plante, MD, FRCS(C)
Professor, UrologyEmail | Bio
Elizabeth Pocock, MDAssistant Professor, Cardiothoracic SurgeryEmail | Bio


Robert Raut, MD
Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Email | Bio
Tamara Rimash, MDAssociate Professor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio
Gary Rose, MDClinical Practice Physician, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio


Daniel Sackett, MD Clinical Practice Physician, UrologyEmail | Bio
Kennith Sartorelli, MDProfessor, Pediatric SurgeryEmail | Bio
Mirabelle Sajisevi, MDAssociate Professor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio
Girja Shukla, PhDAssociate Professor, Surgical OncologyEmail | Bio
Damon Silverman, MDAssociate Professor, OtolaryngologyEmail | Bio
Sujata Nidhi Singh, MDAssistant Professor, OphthalmologyEmail Bio
David Smith, MD
Assistant Professor, General Surgery
Michelle Sowden, DOAssociate Professor, Surgical OncologyEmail | Bio
Brian Sprague, PhDProfessor, Surgical ResearchEmail | Bio
Andrew Stanley, MD, FACSAssociate Professor, Vascular SurgeryEmail | Bio
Georg Steinthorsson, MDAssociate Professor, Vascular SurgeryEmail | Bio


Margaret Tandoh, MD

Associate Professor, Acute Care Surgery -

Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion

Email | Bio
Andrew Tranmer, MDAssistant Professor, Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic SurgeryEmail 
Bruce Tranmer, MDProfessor, NeurosurgeryEmail | Bio


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Jeffery Young, MDAssistant Professor, OphthalmologyEmail | Bio
Eduards Ziedins, MDAssistant Professor, General SurgeryEmail | Bio