Community Resources Information
FIRST CALL (24 hr. crisis response in Chittenden County) (802) 488-7777
- Phone support and assessment
- In home/school assessments
- Screening for emergency bed/hospitalization placement
- Resource and referral info
Department of Children and Families Abuse hotline, Chittenden County Offices: (800) 649-5285 or (802) 863-7370
Children & Family Mental Health Treatment Programs
Howard Center, Child, Youth and Family Services: (802) 488-6600
- First Call
- Outpatient therapy
- Case Management
- IFBS (Intensive Family Based Services)
- Early Childhood Program
- School Services (social workers placed in schools)
- Baird School
- Emergency/assessment beds (6-14 y/o)
NFI (Northeastern Family Institute): (802) 658-0040
- Crisis beds/assessment beds
- Home-based Wraparound services
- Case management
- Outpatient counseling
Centerpoint Adolescent Treatment Services: (802) 488-7711
- Mental health counseling for teens
- Coping skills groups for teens
- Substance abuse treatment
- Parenting skills group
Spectrum Youth and Family Services: (802) 864-7423
- Health services for teens
- Mental health services for teens and parents
- Case management for transition age youth
- GED and JOBS programs
- Substance abuse treatment
Advocacy & Support Programs
Vermont Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health: (800) 639-6071
- Referral information
- Parent support/advocacy
Vermont Family Network: (800) 800-4005
- Referral information
- Parent support/advocacy
Vermont Kin as Parents: (802) 871-5104
Childcare Resource and Referral Service: (802) 863-3367
Children's Integrated Services (CIS): #211
- CIS is the new name for child development and family support services formerly provided by three programs: Healthy Babies Kids & Families, Children's Upstream Services, and Family Infant Toddler. Prenatal-6yrs.
Prevent Child Abuse Vermont: (800) 229-5724
Steps to End Domestic Violence (formerly Women Helping Battered Women): (802) 658-3131
Drug & Alcohol Treatment
Spectrum Youth and Family Services: (802) 864-7423
- Comprehensive health and mental health services for transition age youth, homeless youth and runaways
Centerpoint Adolescent Treatment Center: (802) 488-7711
- Substance use assessment and treatment
Inpatient Mental Health Treatment
Brattleboro Retreat (5-18 yr.): Brattleboro, VT - (800) 738-7328
CVPH (Champlain Valley Physician's Hospital): Plattsburgh, NY - (518) 562-7458
NFI (North Eastern Family Institute): (802) 655-8833
- Hospital Diversion (14-18 yr.)
Howard Center, Child, Youth and Family Services: (802) 488-6600
- Emergency beds "Jarett House" (4-13 yr.)
Outpatient Therapeutic Groups
These are constantly changing, some of the topics covered are "girls' self-esteem" "art therapy" "parenting" "relationships" "fatherhood" "sexual acting out" "fire starting" etc. Agencies that frequently offer these groups include: Howard Center, Centerpoint, VNA, Prevent Child Abuse Vermont, Vermont Counseling and Trauma Center.
211 Vermont (human resource help line and website): dial #211
Department of Mental Health, Agency of Human Services, Vermont
Psychological Evaluations
*insurance does not cover
Jim Tallmadge, PhD: (802) 658-6321
John Donnelly, PhD: (802) 879-5333 x7
Stern Center: (802) 878-2332
Educational Consultants
*for families with financial resources
Ben Mason: (802) 425-7600
Kristine Karge, LICSW: (802) 863-2495
Outpatient Counselors
Psychology Today listings: National website with therapist listings, descriptions and photos.
There are many independent therapists in Vermont. These are some of the larger practices in the Burlington area:
Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families: (802) 847-2224
Behavior Therapy Center (UVM): (802) 656-2661
CBT focused/individual therapy and parenting training
UVM Medical Center Psychological Services: (802) 847-3634
Howard Center, Child, Youth and Family Services: (802) 488-6600
Networks: (802) 863-2495
- Individual and Family Therapy
NFI "Family Center": (802) 658-0040
- Adolescents and families (attachment/trauma focus)
Otter Creek Associates: (802) 865-3450
- Center for Anxiety Disorders
- Children and Families
Spectrum Youth and Family Services: (802) 862-5396 x310
- Parent work around youth with substance abuse issues
Cedar Brook Associates (Williston): (802) 879-5333
Stone House Associates: (802) 654-7607
Meridian DBT: (802) 489-7235