Class of 2020!
Class of 2018
- Change in Performance Standards for Step 2 CS: Announcement posted to USMLE website on August 4, 2017. This announcement describes a change in the performance standards for the USMLE Step 2 CS examination that will affect examinees testing on or after September 10, 2017. Read more...
- Orthopedics SVI - Update: The Organization of Otolaryngology Program Directors (OPDO) provided an update to AAMC staff and Ophthalmology is also piloting a new Standardized Letter of Reference this year. Read more...
- Humanistic Elective for 4th Years: HEART-IM (Humanistic Elective in Activism, Reflective Transformation, and Integrative Medicine) is an elective focused on reflecting on the last 4 years and orienting yourself toward a life of service, activism, and understanding, and is currently accepting applications. Read more...
- Laptop Support: The College of Medicine Technology Services (COMTS) Team wanted to make members of the class of 2018 aware of a few important reminders regarding laptop and technology support in your final year at LCOM. Read reminders...
- OSR Webinar - "Utilizing the Electronic Residency Application Service": In case you missed the July 19 webinar on navigating ERAS, the recording should be available midweek on the Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) page. Please contact erashelp@aamc.org with any questions.
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Class of 2019
- DEADLINE THIS WEEK - Student Financial Services Payment Deadline: 2017-2018 billing and financial aid disbursements have begun! Please read these important updates from Student Financial Services (SFS) as you transition into your third year.
- APPROACHING DEADLINE - Vermont Medical Society Mimi Reardon Scholarship - Accepting Applications! This is a $10,000 scholarship open to all M3 students (co2019). Application Deadline: 08/24/2017. Read more...
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Class of 2020
- THIS WEEK - Big Sib/Little Sib Pizza Luncheon: Student Council reserved almost every small group room and large room in the Med Ed Center on Wednesday, 8/16, 12pm - 1pm and purchased pizza, salad, and soda for all BSLS matches to snag some food and connect. Looking forward to it! Please contact Student Council with any questions.
- ANNUAL REMINDER/ACTION NEEDED - Annual Mandatories: In accordance with Joint Commission hospital accreditation standards, all medical students must complete annual mandatories training at the beginning of each academic year in order to maintain access to University of Vermont Medical Center information systems. These mandatories are made available through the UVMMC e-Learn platform and should be completed within the first month of enrollment in any academic year. Please complete your Foundations Year 2 mandatories by September 30, 2017. Questions should be directed to the UVMMC IS Service Center, 802-847-1414.
- NBME Basic Science Exams Timing & Score Scale Change Now Effective: The time allocated to complete each item (item pacing) and the total time allotted to complete each exam for the Basic Science subject examinations has increased and the score scale has been changed. Read more...
- Summer Researchers - Merit Award Opportunity: Final Report Deadline is 09/18/2017. While students that obtain funding through other means are not required to submit a final report, all those who wish to be eligible for a $500 Summer Research Merit Award will be required to submit a final report. Read more...
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Class of 2021
- THIS WEEK - Big Sib/Little Sib Pizza Luncheon: Student Council reserved almost every small group room and large room in the Med Ed Center on Wednesday, 8/16, 12pm - 1pm and purchased pizza, salad, and soda for all BSLS matches to snag some food and connect. Looking forward to it! Please contact Student Council with any questions.
- APPROACHING DEADLINE - COMcares Opportunity - Grand Friends: Are you interested in a volunteer experience for fall 2017? If so, consider checking out Grand Friends! This is an AWESOME opportunity to be paired with a senior in the Burlington community. Read more...
- REMINDER - Please complete your MSQ: Closes 09/15/17. Beginning June 1, all accepted students were sent unique survey links via email to access the MSQ. The survey links will be sent from msq@aamc.org. As of 08/10/2017, 71% of accepted members of the Class of 2021 had completed the survey (up 2% from two weeks ago!). Read more...
- REMINDER - "Finding Our Common Ground" Curriculum: Please remember to sign up to receive your Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) individual score and plan. Sessions take about 40 minutes and are offered most weekdays during the lunch hour and in the late afternoons throughout the fall. Contact Tiffany Delaney with any questions.
- NBME Basic Science Exams Timing & Score Scale Change Now Effective: The time allocated to complete each item (item pacing) and the total time allotted to complete each exam for the Basic Science subject examinations has increased and the score scale has been changed. Read more...
- The UVM Medical Development and Alumni Relations office welcomes the UVM Medical Class of 2021 to the Larner College of Medicine Family: As a member of the Larner College of Medicine you are joining a network with over 4,500 alumni who live in every state of the country and beyond. Our alumni are invested in you and are here to support you. Read your full welcome letter...
- Orientation 2017 - VIC Calendar/VIC Team Welcome: All courses in LCOM Foundations have a “COMET” course home page, which houses a link to the electronic “VIC Calendar”, along with other navigation buttons linked to critical course resources. Read more...
- Welcome to the Larner College of Medicine: Read your official welcome letter from Dr. Christa Zehle, Associate Dean for Students and Orientation Course Director.
- Technology Information: The Larner College of Medicine Technology Services Team (COMTS) provided you with a list of important items, earlier this week. Review important COMTS items...
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Larner COMcares
Zoe's Race - Making Homes Accessible: 08/27/2017. Online registration is now open for Zoe's 5k Race 2017. Now in its ninth year, the event has raised nearly $180,000 and has helped 17 local families to make their homes accessible. Read more...
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- DEADLINE THIS WEEK - Student Financial Services Payment Deadline: A formal billing statement will then be issued in mid-July and finally, the fall 2017 payment deadline will be 8/18/17 at 4pm EDT. Read more...
- THIS WEEK - COMIS Systems Updates: Services may be briefly interrupted as systems are restarted or modified. Read more...
- AMSA Social Media Guidelines for Medical Students and Physicians: In all situations, including on social media sites, members of the medical profession should always represent him/herself in a manner that reflects values of professionalism, accountability, integrity, honor, acceptance of diversity, and commitment to ethical behavior. Read more...
- Change in Performance Standards for Step 2 CS: Announcement posted to USMLE website on August 4, 2017. This announcement describes a change in the performance standards for the USMLE Step 2 CS examination that will affect examinees testing on or after September 10, 2017. Read more...
- AAMC Webinar Slides and Recording Now available - "Free Speech in the Landscape of Diversity: On Tuesday, July 18, 2017, the Group on Student Affairs (GSA) - Committee on Student Diversity Affairs (COSDA) hosted the webinar “Free Speech in the Landscape of Diversity”. Read more...
- "3 Lessons from the UVM Medical School Active Learning Pivot" from Inside Higher Ed: Are you talking on your campus about the UVM Larner College of Medicine’s transition to an all active learning program? You should be. This change at UVM is a very big deal - and a big deal outside of the world of medical education. Here’s why...
- Transition in Anesthesiology Leadership: Mazen Maktabi, M.D., has stepped down as Chief of the Health Care Service and Chair of the Department, and Donald Mathews, M.D., Professor of Anesthesiology, has been named to succeed him for a three-year term beginning July 15, 2017. Read more...
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TODAY - Financial Literacy Info Session & Lunch Open to All Students: Please come have lunch with Dr. John Blute, from the class of 1975, and learn some important information about financial literacy for medical students, soon to be residents, and future physicians based on his interest and personal experience in this area. Read more...
THIS WEEK - NNE CTR Webinar Education Opportunity: 08/15/2017. Please join us for the collaborative presentation of “The New England Journal of Medicine Comes to Maine!” - How to publish in NEJM and what it’s like to write about current controversies in medicine. Read more...
THIS WEEK - Learn about student leadership and their roles at LCOM! Various student leadership groups will be available in Med Ed Rooms 304, 305, and 306 on 8/18, 8/21, and 8/25 to answer questions about their role on campus and how to get involved. Please contact Student Council with any questions
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SUBMISSION DEADLINE THIS WEEK - Last Chance to Present at UVMs Translating Identity Conference! We are just two months out from The Translating Identity Conference at The University of Vermont! People like you help make TIC what it is - the largest and most successful trans conference in New England, completely driven by our community. We rely on your expertise and energy, and have extended the submission deadline for session proposals to AUGUST 15, 2017. Read more...
Research Intern position Available: 6 hours/week; hands on clinical research in pediatrics—novel gaming technology; pilot project in patients with asthma; data management, recruitment, study execution, coordinating with other clinicians. Research experience a plus, but execution and tenacity are paramount. Contact: Peter Bingham MD 802-343-2728.
American Academy of Emergency Medicine/Resident and Student Association (AAEM/RSA): Are you a student interested in emergency medicine? If so, you should definitely check us out! Read more...
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Lost something? Email the Office of Medical Student Education (OMSE) a description of the item. OMSE and the Dana Medical Library recently joined the UVM campus-wide lost & found system and search not only the College of Medicine, but campus as a whole to see if it's been turned in. If it hasn't, the office can file a claim for the item should someone turn it in soon!
Found something? Please turn it into either the Office of Medical Student Education (Given Courtyard n100) or the Dana Medical Library (First floor of the Medical Education Center) and we will be sure to log it into the Campus-Wide Lost & Found Database.
Found items are kept up to 30 days, and then are donated to various local organizations depending on the item.
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Housing Opportunities for Medical Students: Graduate students are highly sought tenants in the Burlington area and property owners often advertise specifically to them with special rates (less than would be offered to undergraduate students); thus, the Office of Medical Student Education pulls together a list of housing opportunities posted specifically for this group, so you don't miss out on a good deal. Moreover, medical students also try to keep good spaces "in the family" and are known to post to this list. Please contact the Office of Medical Education if you have any questions. Don't hesitate to ask the contact if they would consider lowering the advertised rate to secure a graduate student; it never hurts to ask!
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