Weekly Wire Banner

august 12 - August 18, 2019

The WeeklyWire is an official communication tool of the Larner College of Medicine. Student feedback led to its development and continues to inform iterative improvements. All non-curriculum-related email communications are directed through the Wire to help support manageable email inboxes for our students; it's your one-stop-shop for all med school happenings outside of the classroom! Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Medical Student Education with any questions.

Weekly Wire Search

 * = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorsed


Class of 2020

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Class of 2021

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Class of 2022

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Class of 2023

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If you receive feedback from students and put that feedback into action, please let our student community know; submit postings/updates to studentCOMServices@med.uvm.edu by 7am, on Fridays. Postings are reviewed by the Office of Medical Student Education Medical Education Leadership Team on Mondays for inclusion in an upcoming issue of the WeeklyWire.

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  • Here to Help: Volunteer 08/23 and/or 08/24. Please sign up to volunteer for the upcoming Here to Help event on August 24. Our aim is to share a meal people from the homeless community and to connect them with services, showers, toiletries, haircuts, and more! Sign up, now...

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Choosing Wisely Recommendation of the Week - Choose Wisely and WIN! Join the LCOM Choosing Wisely STARS in promoting high value care in medical education. Review this week's spotlight recommendation and enter our PRIZE RAFFLE...

Class of 2023 Orientation Week: 08/12 - 08/16. Orientation week details are posted to the Orientation Course web page. Please contact LCOM Curriculum Services with any questions.


  • Here to Help Planning Meeting: 08/21. 12-1pm... 
  • Here to Help: Volunteer 08/23 and/or 08/24. Please sign up to volunteer for the upcoming Here to Help event on August 24. Our aim is to share a meal people from the homeless community and to connect them with services, showers, toiletries, haircuts, and more! Sign up, now...
  • Yoga Student Interest Group - LCOM Yoga Class: 08/21. 6-7pm...
  • UVM Yoga Teacher Training: Registration is open for the 8th Annual Yoga Teacher Training. Training starts August 30th and is open to all community members. For more information visit the website or contact John McConnell 802-488-0124.

Recurring Events

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New Issue of the Nocturnists - Includes Call for Submissions!*: The Nocturnists is a live show and podcast where doctors share stories from the world of medicine. 10/18 submission deadline for next live show, in San Francisco. Check out their July 2019 newsletter...

Writing and Professional Development Opportunity - 2 Minute Medicine*: An academic organization that curates and produces concise reports of clinically-relevant, high-impact medical studies...


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* = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorsed


Submit to the Wire

Questions or comments?
Want to submit to the Wire?
Email your posting to the Office of Medical Student Education.

Deadline for submissions is 
7:00 AM EST, on Fridays,
for inclusion in the upcoming Monday issue.

Housing Opportunities

Graduate students are highly sought tenants in the Burlington area and property owners often advertise specifically to them with special rates (less than would be offered to undergraduate students); thus, the Office of Medical Student Education pulls together a list of housing opportunities posted specifically for this group, so you don't miss out on a good deal. Moreover, medical students also try to keep good spaces "in the family" and are known to post to this list. Please contact the Office of Medical Education if you have any questions.

Don't hesitate to ask the contact if they would consider lowering the advertised rate to secure a graduate student; it never hurts to ask!

Lost & Found

Lost something? Email the Office of Medical Student Education (OMSE) a description of the item. OMSE and the Dana Medical Library recently joined the UVM campus-wide lost & found system and search not only the College of Medicine, but campus as a whole to see if it's been turned in. If it hasn't, the office can file a claim for the item should someone turn it in soon!

Found something? Please turn it into either the Office of Medical Student Education (Given Courtyard n100) or the Dana Medical Library (First floor of the Medical Education Center) and we will be sure to log it into the Campus-Wide Lost & Found Database.

Found items are kept up to 30 days, and then are donated to various local organizations depending on the item.