Other PQC-VT Work

Birth Certificate Quality Improvement Initiative (BCQII)

In 2024, VCHIP, in collaboration with the Vermont Department of Health and the Perinatal Quality Collaborative - Vermont (PQC-VT) launched a birth certificate quality improvement initiative as part of a four-year Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Perinatal Quality Collaborative (PQC) grant.

The overarching goals of the BCQI Initiative include learning and sharing with each other’s birth certificate data entry processes proven successful with increasing accuracy and timeliness, as well as disseminating and developing educational materials for sustained birth certificate data training for hospital staff.

Throughout the year, we explored process improvement interventions:

  • Identifying an improvement team at each hospital
  • identifying steps currently taking at each hospital for birth certificate data collection using a process workflow diagram to ensure team members understand current processes.
  • Ensuring staff entering birth certificate data have access to necessary clinical data
  • Educating and training on how to enter birth certificate data.
Recent Learning Series slides and recordings are available below.

Why is the Birth Certificate Important to Birthing People, Newborns, and Your Hospital?

Recording Link     Passcode: Z4Uksk3+     |     Presentation Slides  (PDF)

Partnering Across Departments to Improve Accuracy of 11 Key Variables

Recording Link     Passcode: N0*wQ#Bu     |     Presentation Slides  (PDF)

Tools to Improve Reporting Accuracy of 11 Key Variables

Recording Link     Passcode: Kt#BwA9db     |     Presentation Slides  (PDF)

Identify and Spread Best Practices for Data Collection: Verification and Training

Recording Link     Passcode: ?Q0w@knu     |     Presentation Slides  (PDF)

Vital Statistics and Birth Certificate Education Resources Available for Hospital Teams

BCQII Tip Sheet for Hospitals Updated Version (DOC)

This document provides an overview of 11 key variables under review for this QI project including variable definitions, tips for entry, and space for hospitals to add in their own team/EMR specific sources and instructions.

Vermont Department of Health Vital Records Phone Number:  802-863-7275

CDC Guide to Completing Birth Certificate Worksheets (PDF)

This document provides information on all terms and questions within the Birth Certificate Worksheet, including variable definitions, specific instructions for completing each item, source information along with key words and abbreviations. 

CDC Online Training for Completing Birth Certificate Worksheets

To access “Applying Best Practices for Reporting Medical and Health Information on Birth Certificates” go to: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/training/BirthCertificateElearning/

Data Reporting Checklist  (PDF) | Data Reporting Checklist  (Excel)

This document can be used to record within-hospital audits. Either version can be used. Extra rows at the bottom of the form can be used for other indicators chosen within the hospital teams.

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JOIN US! The Perinatal Quality Collaborative Vermont is Recruiting Patient and Family Advisors     

The Vermont Child Health Improvement Program Perinatal Quality Collaborative (VCHIP PQC) implements projects that impact  pregnant and postpartum people, infants, and their families. This year the PQC-VT is launching a Patient and Family Advisory Committee.  This committee will bring patient and family's point of views on issues that impact pregnant and postpartum people.

View the Recruitment Information

View the Information Session Recording You will need this passcode: n8@aVa*5

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Webinar: Gestational Diabetes Management

This webinar addressed the latest guidance on the Gestational Diabetes Management. Dr. Majorie Meyer (Maternal Fetal Medicine) and Dr. Delia Horn (NICU) provided information on care for pregnant people with gestational diabetes and care of neonates born to people with gestational diabetes. This webinar was recorded on February 6, 2024.

View the recording here using passcode: m3$^2H71  |  Review the presentation slides here.

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Webinar: Protection Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection

This webinar addressed the emerging information around options available for infant protection against RSV; this included both the pregnant patient vaccine and the newborn antibody protection. Perinatal clinical experts, including Benjamin Lee, MD, Marjorie Meyer, MD, and Whittney Barkhuff, MD from the University of Vermont Medical Center, shared recommendations and details about available products. Katie Mahuron, RN, from the Vermont Department of Health discussed statewide availability. This webinar was recorded on November 1, 2023.

View the recording here using passcode: 0!Y5nr+y  |  Review the presentation slides here.

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