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Students in Vermont with incomplete or undocumented immunization status are provisionally admitted to schools and historically had a calendar year to resolve their immunization status. The process of resolving these students’ immunization status was challenging for school nurses. 


The Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP) conducted a school-based quality improvement effort to increase student compliance with Vermont immunization regulations using a collaborative learning approach with public health school liaisons and school nurses from public schools to reduce provisional admittance in 2011–2012. Strategies included using a tracking system, accessing the immunization registry, promoting immunization importance, tracking immunization plans, and working with medical homes to update records. 


Participating school nurses observed decreases in the number of provisionally admitted students, although this reduction was not significantly different than matched comparison schools. We also found the number of provisionally admitted students fluctuated throughout the year and resolving the immunization status of New Americans and exchange students required special attention. 


Our approach supports the coordinated school health model and demonstrates the critical role school nurses play in improving population health outcomes.


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Davis WS, Varni SE, Barry SE, Frankowski BL, Harder VS. Increasing Immunization Compliance by Reducing Provisional Admittance. The Journal of School Nursing. 2016;32(4):246-257. doi:10.1177/1059840515622528 (The link above will open in a new window.)

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