Efficient and effective systems to coordinate care for children and youth with special health needs continues to rise as a priority area. There is significant momentum around this work, and we recognize past, present, and future efforts of our interdisciplinary partners and partners. With this energy comes a desire to convene our interdisciplinary partners and partners to ensure that there is alignment in improvement opportunities, measurement, and evaluation between organizations. Our work also provides an opportunity to promote shared learning across our collaborators and partners.


Vision: The Care Coordination Summits will bring together healthcare professionals, organizations, patients, families, and other interested parties around a shared vision for improving and uniting care coordination efforts for children and youth with special health needs.


  • Assess the current landscape of care coordination systems for children and youth with special health needs in Vermont.
  • Partner with interdisciplinary partners to:
    • Gain consensus of priority areas to address
    • Support shared learning and identification of improvement strategies
    • Agree on evaluation and measurement strategies

Shared Plan of Care (SPoC) Pilot is an opportunity to explore and improve care coordination within your current practice by adding VITLAccess to your current workflow. The goal is to learn from pilot users experience, and guide future work within technology and healthcare systems. As a pilot participant, you will have the autonomy to continue using your workflows, with slight modifications to leverage VITLAccess to share your care plans with care team partners. You will also have access to quality improvement coaching to support your work.

If interested in the pilot, please complete this form: https://redcap.link/VCHIPVITLSPoCPilotInterest

For more information, please use the following links: “Pilot Summary” and “FAQ

Care Coordination