Student Advisory Council to Med SFS

A Student Advisory Council to Medical Student Financial Services was created in the fall of 2020 to ensure students have a direct liaison to Med SFS, and to allow for a general feedback mechanism regarding student perspectives surrounding financial topics. 

Did you know? Medical Student Financial Services manages:

- Student accounts (tuition billing, disbursement of refunds)

- Financial aid administration

- Education loan counseling

- Optional financial wellness activities pertinent to medical students

. . . That's a lot of important services we care deeply about!

As a result, our Student Advisory Council is imperative when it comes to:

- Noticing financial trends with their peers

- Making recommendations for program changes where possible or necessary

- Assisting with communications to the student body regarding Med SFS items

- Continuous quality improvement with financial aid administrative services and personal financial health programming

Committee-wide meetings occur at least quarterly, and all are welcome to attend, even if you are not formally on the council. Smaller breakout groups meet on an as-needed basis to address special topics that may suddenly need attention.

Looking for our MEETING MINUTES, the current ROSTER of participants, upcoming AGENDA TOPICS, and more about the COMMITTEE'S MISSION?

  1. Log into the Learning Commons (Med credentials required).
  2. Under "Medical Student Leadership" on the left menu, click "Student Advisory Council to Med Student Financial Services".
  3. Click "Documents" on the left-hand side.
  4. Begin perusing!
Do you have a passion for personal finance and/or a general interest in assisting MedSFS to be the best it can be for you, our medical students? Or, are you looking to build a comprehensive CV? Contact us to discuss joining!