UVM/UVM Medical Center Research Professionals Network

The Research Professionals Network (RPN) was developed in collaboration with Boston University, University of Florida and MUSC, to enhance the quality of clinical research at UVM, UVM Medical Center and the UVM Health Network by supporting the professional development of clinical research faculty and staff.

Major objectives of the RPN are to:

  • Provide professional development opportunities for research professionals through trainings, workshops, seminars, discussion groups, and other educational events
  • Encourage mentoring and networking amongst research professionals within and outside of the UVM/UVM Medical Center research community
  • Support an effective, efficient system to keep network members up to date on changing policies and regulations
  • Increase awareness and communication of best practices and innovation to promote participant recruitment, retention, and satisfaction
  • Maximize satisfaction and productivity and efficiency of all members of the research team through sharing of resources

Membership in the UVM RPN is open to all UVM, UVM Health Network, and Maine Medical Center and Dartmouth/Dartmouth Health (via NNE-CTR affiliation) research personnel involved in clinical research such as investigators, research managers, research supervisors, clinical research nurse, clinical research coordinators, regulatory coordinators, research pharmacists, data managers/analysts, and research assistants.

CEUs can be used by ACRP and SoCRA Certified staff to maintain certification.

Join the UVM Research Professionals Network using this link

For more information about RPN Workshops please click here.

*RPN workshops are open to all members. Typically, advanced workshops will begin at a level that assumes attendees have some fundamental knowledge about the topic.

Additional information for UVM/UVM Medical Center research professionals can be found on our LCOM SharePoint Research Professionals Network site. Use the left navigation menu on the webpage to find our Research Events Calendar, Research Professionals Network and other research resources.

For questions regarding the UVM Research Professionals Network, please contact the Office of Clinical Trials Research via email or call 802-656-8990.