Credentialing Process for University of Vermont Clinical Research Personnel
Physicians and other clinicians carrying out diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of patients at UVM Medical Center are credentialed through standardized protocols administered by the UVM Medical Center Medical Staff Office (MSO), therefore, UVM Researcher Credentialing is NOT required if a researcher currently credentials through the UVM Medical Center MSO. UVM employees involved in clinical research who are not credentialed through the MSO will be credentialed through the Office of Clinical Trials Research (OCTR) and on boarded through the UVM Health Network (UVMHN) collaborating clinical department. The Director of the OCTR at UVM, in coordination with the sponsoring UVM Health Network director, will be responsible for approving credentialing at UVM and directing the credentialed employee to UVM Medical Center Human Resources Department for badge renewal or badge photo. The sponsoring UVM Health Network director will be responsible for ongoing monitoring and oversight of the UVM research employees in their area(s).
It is mandatory for University of Vermont (UVM) employees involved in clinical research activities at The University of Vermont Health Network to complete and submit the credentialing documents to the Office of Clinical Trials Research (OCTR). This includes working on projects involving direct patient interaction, retrieving blood, tissue, or health record data review.
OCTR is responsible for collecting the required research credentialing files for UVM clinical research faculty and staff. Please refer to the OCTR SharePoint UVM Researcher Credentialing page for further information.
To ensure we are diligent in maintaining and keeping our files current, the UVMMC research badge expires annually on June 30th.
If you need additional assistance please contact the Office of Clinical Trials Research at 656-8990 or