Vermont Primary Care Workforce
Since 2019, AHEC no longer publishes an annual VT Primary Care Practitioner Workforce Snapshot. For VT primary care practitioner and other health care workforce data, visit the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) workforce data hub at: The health of Vermonters depends, in part, on access to health care. The Health Department measures the supply of health care providers, including their distribution by geography and specialty. These data are used as the basis for state-level analysis, federal shortage area designations, and recruitment and retention activities. In recent years there has also been a federal effort to define a “minimum data set” of health care provider data, across the states.
Vermont Nursing Workforce
Starting 2023, nursing relicensure survey reports will be published by VDH. This change consolidates relicensure survey reports for all health professions under VDH. Supporting VDH as the single source prevents redundancy of effort using limited resources, ensures consistent, longitudinal analysis, standardized format, and overall continuity for workforce data across all health professions. For VT Health Care Workforce Data, visit:
Miscellaneous Reports and Information
Vermont Dentists' Opinions and Attitudes Regarding the 2017 Opioid Prescribing Rules
The purpose of this project was to determine the opinions and attitudes of Vermont dentists and oral surgeons regarding the 2017 Rule
Governing the Prescribing of Opioids for Pain in order to inform strategies to best support these health professionals in their care of patients experiencing pain. View the results here.