AHEC Spotlight Series

The Office of Primary Care and AHEC Program invites medical students to learn about various aspects of practicing medicine, primarily in the primary care setting.  Our AHEC Spotlight Series events are offered throughout the academic year at the Larner College of Medicine. All medical students are welcome.

These one-hour sessions are great opportunities for students to begin building their connection to AHEC.  Attendance will be reflected on AHEC Scholars transcripts. We are pleased to welcome a wide-range of physicians and other content experts to join these panel discussions.

Contact: Jennifer Gaudreau, CPRP, Physician Placement Professional, jennifer.gaudreau@uvm.edu

Reminder: Final AHEC Spotlight Series event of this scholastic year!!

Panel Discussion: Primary Care in Rural Vermont

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
12:00-1:00 p.m.
MedEd200 [Sullivan Classroom]

Kim Kurak, DO, Brandon Health Center

Lorne Babb, MD, Cold Hollow Family Medicine
Alison Landrey, MD, Hardwick Health Center (Northern Counties Health Center)

Session Objectives:
Participants will learn about
1. Delivery of Primary Care in a Rural Setting
2. Challenges of Practicing Primary Care in a Rural Setting
3. Benefits of Practicing Primary Care in a Rural Setting

This is a great opportunity to hear from and ask questions of physicians practicing in rural Vermont. Are you considering a job here in Vermont in the future? Learn what it’s really like to practice in these smaller communities.

Please feel free to bring your lunch—we’ll bring some snacks to share!





March 2025 Session:

Primary Care Series 3-12-25


2024-2025 Series Schedule

Spotlight Series FY25