Professional Development Core

Research Scholar Program

The mission of the Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research (NNE-CTR) Network’s Research Scholar Program is to support early investigators/ junior faculty in becoming independent investigators leading clinical and translational research programs. The desired outcome of the program is to enable investigators to write and submit extramural grant applications and scientific publications, with the goal of transitioning to independently funded investigators. This mission is accomplished through financial support, research mentoring, and professional development opportunities for the scholar.

Program Goals

  • To provide salary support to ensure protected time to conduct research activities
  • To assist in the development of a mentoring team to support the scholar
  • To provide opportunities for professional development in research


The NNE-CTR leadership invites Research Scholar (RS) candidates who are UVM faculty and NNE-CTR members with clinical science relevant degrees (e.g., MD, PhD, DO, PharmD, RN) to apply. Candidates must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents or individuals with valid visas for the award period. Junior faculty are individuals who are within ten (10) years of their terminal degree, residency or fellowship, and early investigators are individuals who are aiming for a career in research and/or may be making a career transition into research. To be eligible, the investigator must not yet have received significant independent extramural research funding.


Interested Research Scholar candidates will submit the following for consideration:

1. A proposal of research activities in which the RS will engage during the following year, including information about the project and the planned mentoring team or mentorship needs - not to exceed two pages, font Arial 11 and at least 1/2” margins

2. A letter of support from mentor(s) which includes confirmation of their commitment to mentor the RS or documentation of mentorship needs

3. Preliminary approval of the protected research time from their department’s leadership (indicated by signing this form)

4. Candidate's current NIH Biosketch

5. Individual Development Plan

Protected Research Time Support

The Research Scholar will receive support from UVM NNE-CTR Professional Development Core resources for 10% protected research time (208 hours over the year) at the current NIH salary cap (which changes annually) plus fringe benefits. The RS’s department must agree to match at least 10% protected research time at the current NIH salary cap plus fringe benefits from departmental funds. Total protected research time must be at least 20% (416 hours over the year) at the current NIH salary cap plus fringe benefits.

Expectations of Award Recipients Mentoring

An essential component of the Research Scholar Program is a mentoring team built around the research scholar. Comprised of faculty with expertise and experience appropriate to this role, this mentoring team will assist the RS by facilitating the development of research skills and the entry of the mentee into a successful academic research career with strong potential for extramural support. The mentoring team should include one primary mentor and additional mentors as needed to provide a well-rounded team of support. Mentoring teams and any changes to a mentoring team need to be approved by the NNE-CTR Professional Development Core leadership.

  • The mentoring team will conduct regular team meetings with the mentee.
  • There should be a minimum of one meeting per month with the primary mentor, and at least one meeting quarterly with the full mentoring team.
  • The Professional Development Core leads will be kept informed of all scheduled meetings by the RS.
  • The meetings with the full mentoring team can double as the RS presentations at the Works-in-Progress seminars (see below).
  • The mentoring team will work with the mentee to develop specific research goals and objectives and to identify timelines for achieving milestones. These goals and objectives will be formalized in a written Individual Development Plan (IDP).

Progress Reports

The NNE-CTR must report outcomes of services to NIH/NIGMS to maintain funding and continue providing services. Because of this requirement, Research Scholars must complete reports twice per year to update the NNE-CTR on the outcomes of their research. The typical schedule for reports to be submitted are six months into the award period and at the end of the award period (12 months) and then follow-up reporting as required by the NNE-CTR Leadership and NIGMS. Research Scholars will be notified via email of report due dates. Items to include:

  • Publications (submitted or published)
  • External grant applications (submitted or awarded)
  • Presentations related to Research Scholar’s research project
  • Accomplishments and issues encountered related to the RS research project
  • NNE-CTR assistance received and NNE-CTR Core utilization
  • Participation in professional development activities
  • Students mentored (fellows, residents, graduate, or undergraduate)
  • Updated NIH Biosketch

NNE-CTR Research Scholar Works-in-Progress Seminar

This seminar is an opportunity for scholars to present their research ideas and design, to discuss and analyze data, and to obtain feedback from their mentors, content experts, and program leadership. Presentations should be interactive and serve as a time to receive feedback and constructive criticism for planned and ongoing studies, to help prepare research results to present at conferences or for publications, and to guide future studies.

  • All RS’s are required to present twice per year.
  • Mentoring team attendance is expected on the days that their RS presents.
  • Educational seminars and/or informal networking opportunities may be held during the RS’s seminar time slot.


In addition to Works-in-Progress seminars, Research Scholars are expected to present their research at NNE-CTR sponsored events that allow for the highlighting of NNE-CTR supported scientists, including the NNE-CTR Annual Meeting. Research Scholars are also encouraged to submit poster presentations and abstracts at relevant national professional society conferences. 

To Apply ...

Find the UVM call for applications here and an individual development plan form here. Application materials must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm (EST), Monday, July 15th, 2024 and must be emailed to Kimberly Luebbers, UVM NNE-CTR Professional Development Core Director. Please send the materials as one PDF file in the order noted in the call for applications.

Find the MaineHealth call for applications here. The deadline for Letters of Intent is June 30th 2024



Please email us with any questions or for assistance accessing services.

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