* = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorse
A Note to Online Viewers: If viewing the browser-based issue of the WeeklyWire,
all hyperlinks, below, will open in a separate browser window/tab.

Class of 2021
- Did you graduate this past Sunday? CONGRATS! Please don't forget to do the following before dropping mic and dancing off into the sunset...
- NEW! Larner Medicine Issue: Larner Medicine | May 19, 2021 | Volume III, Issue 10 recently "hit the shelves." This issue announces the Class of 2021 Honors Celebration award
recipients and includes a blog highlight for Sadie Casale, member of the class of 2024! Check out the latest issue of Larner Medicine...
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Class of 2022
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Class of 2023
- Last COVID-19 Tester of the Spring 2021 Semester: Michael Kelleher, member of the class of 2023, stole the honor from all of the departing undergraduates and graduates, on Friday, May 21, when he was the final COVID-19 tester
of the main campus Spring 2021 semester. We thought that was pretty darn funny, and wanted to share this honor with you all...
- Wellness Research Opportunity! Curious about your wellness habits? Join our voluntary WE/MD App Research Study! All participants will receive a Series 3 Apple watch and...
- FREE Ben and Jerry's Pint of Ice Cream! There is a coupon for a Free pint of BEN AND JERRY'S in your Given mailbox! It expires on July 31, 2021, so make sure you snag it sooner rather than later...
- ACTION REQUIRED – Given Locker Clean Out: 7/1 is the deadline to clean out your Given lockers. Failure to do so will result in a $50 cleaning fee...
- Federal Student Loan Interest Rates - important information regarding increase: Recently, it was announced that federal student loan interest rates are increasing nearly 1% next academic year...
- UVM Anatomical Gift Program - Hard Copy Booklets Available: A nice hardcopy booklet that included photos and comments that you so kindly provided, as well as those from the donors and their family members, for the 2019 Convocation of Thanks...
- 21/22 Financial Aid Aware Letters, Next Disbursements: Wondering when we release financial aid packages?...
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Class of 2024
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- Leadership Follow-up on Action Plans related to Student Concerns Regarding the University’s Response to Sexual Assault and Misconduct: As a follow-up to our discussion about prevention of and responses to sexual assault and misconduct on campus, UVM and Larner administrative leadership recently provided some additional information...
- As UVM Undergrads Leave, UVM General Services Can See Some Changes (hours will be posted to websites; please verify hours prior to visiting a UVM Office/Department/Program):
- UVM Forward—Summer 2021: Updates on summer campus services...
- Summer Library and Davis Center Hours: Facilities operations will maintain staffing to support the campus infrastructure but will likely reduce service levels to areas of campus that have low usership. Howe Library will
be open beginning Monday, May 19 through Friday, August 27, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. and closed Saturdays and Sundays. Davis Center will be open Monday to Friday 7 a.m.–6 p.m.
- UVM SAS Team for accommodations support
- Library Hours for the Dana Medical Library
- Custodial Services (but these will be required over the summer for the Given/MedEd Center buildings)
- UVM Transportation Services
- UVM Student Health Services: Open M-F, 8-4:30pm (closed on Thur. 8-9a, for a staff meeting).
Saturday hours will not occur during undergrad summer break (usually 9am-1pm Urgent Care only). On-Call Services are available at 1-866-878-2485 for medical advice to all current UVM Students.
- Confirmed unchanged services over the summer:
- All UVM Offices Closed Monday, May 31: 05/31, all day.
UVM Offices, including the Office of Medical Student Education, are closed in observance of Memorial Day. Offices will re-open on Tuesday, June 01, at 8am. Please plan accordingly and we apologize for any inconvenience.
- APPROACHING DISCOUNT EXPIRATION DATE - Vermont Public Health Association (VtPHA) Sally Kerschner Retirement Membership: 05/31 discount expiration date. A discounted/free membership to the VT Public Health Association.
VtPHA offers a student membership of $20 as a standard category...
- Office of Medical Student Education (OMSE) Office Closure: 06/21, 8am-1pm and 06/24, 8am-1pm. Office
of Medical Student Education will be closed for a curriculum retreat.
- WeeklyWire Archives: Feeling nostalgic for past issues of the WeeklyWire, or think you might have missed something? No worries, we archive every issue ever made,
and all past issues are searchable, to help you locate any current and/or past content.
- Information regarding LCOM medical education remote exam delivery and security: 05/10 email in response to the NYTimes article published on the cheating/technology scandal at Dartmouth Medical School - We would like to take this opportunity to share our approach to remote exams and all our student systems within our medical education curriculum...
- UVM Larner Med in a Time of COVID - Special Reports, Information, & Resources:
- Last COVID-19 Tester of the Spring 2021 Semester: Michael Kelleher, member of the class of 2023, stole the honor from all of the departing undergraduates and graduates, on Friday, May 21, when he was the final COVID-19
tester of the main campus Spring 2021 semester. We thought that was pretty darn funny, and wanted to share this honor with you all...
- Introducing UVM Forward: The UVMStrong newsletter is coming to an end; it began last summer as a vehicle to keep the UVM community, including students, families, faculty and staff, updated on responses to the COVID-19
pandemic. Watch for periodic updates to come this summer with information on the fall semester reopening, via the "UVM Forward" webpage...
- Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program Reopened: The Vermont Housing Finance Agency is accepting applications again from Vermont homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This
latest round of program funding provides grants for up to 12 months of past-due mortgage and property tax payments for eligible Vermont homeowners. Visit the website or
call (888) 714-2260 to learn more and apply.
- The Vermont Emergency Rental Assistance Program (VERAP) was created to help renters dealing with financial challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. VERAP helps tenant households with
paying rent, past-due rent balances (also known as arrears), utility and home energy costs, utility and home energy cost arrears, and other expenses related to housing. Rent expenses include rent, rent arrears.
- Masks on Campus: In the past few days, there have been changes announced by the CDC relaxing mask wearing both indoors and outdoors. UVM is reviewing these recommendations and will be looking for guidance from the
Vermont Department of Health before making any changes. Currently, masks are still required both indoors and outdoors on campus.
- Summer COVID-19 Testing at UVM: UVM will continue to offer COVID-19 testing on campus over the summer. Students living on campus, including those who are fully vaccinated, are required to continue to test every seven
days. If you plan to be on campus this summer, refer to sponsorship and testing requirements on this page (COVID-19 Summer Testing)...
- Any current students remaining in the area who are not covered in the required testing categories are encouraged to continue taking advantage of COVID-19 testing at the Testing Center.
- Clinical Students Are Excused from the Curriculum to Complete Seven-Day Test: The Clinical Level course directors support this protocol. They are aware of the weekly requirement and support students to be excused
from their curriculum for 30-minute weekly testing windows.
- Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test, using CoVerified: CoVerified allows you to pull the formal
report/documentation for your COVID test when you test via our Davis Center UVM Strong Testing Center. Simply navigate to your test results within the App or in the Browser and you can view and/or send the attachment (PDF of your test
and test result).
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Be sure to review this section for any announcements regarding student wellness! If you ever have any questions about this section, it's postings, or any wellness topics, please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Student Well-being, Dr. Lee Rosen or
reach out to one of your Larner College of Medicine Wellness Committee representatives.
- The Farmers to Families food box program continues in May for the following dates/towns (pre-register at their website):
5/21: Springfield; 5/24: St. Johnsbury; 5/25: Newbury; 5/26: Manchester; 5/27: Shoreham; 5/28: St. Albans.
- May will be the final month of Farmers to Families.
- Full Plates VT: The Vermont Foodbank is launching a new food box program called Full Plates VT,
which will distribute food boxes made up of produce and other fresh and shelf-stable items at drive-through style distributions throughout all fourteen counties in Vermont.
- The program is currently scheduled to run from June – September 2021.
- To receive a food box you will be asked to self-certify that you meet the income requirements listed here (PDF).
You will not be asked for documentation on the registration website or at the food distribution events. Registration opens on May 24, 2021.
- UVM COVID-19 Student Testing Protocol: All students who are on-campus/in-person (UVMMC and/or UVM-VT) and/or who live in Burlington, South Burlington or Winooski and who do not have a testing exemption must engage in UVM COVID-19 surveillance testing at the Davis Center COVID-19 testing center (Green & Gold Promise;
verify your permanent address reflects your real location in myUVM).
- Summer COVID-19 Testing at UVM: UVM will continue to offer COVID-19 testing on campus over the summer. Students living on/visiting campus, including those who are fully vaccinated, are required to continue to test
every seven days. If you plan to be on campus this summer, refer to sponsorship and testing requirements on this page (COVID-19 Summer Testing)...
- Clinical Students Are Excused from the Curriculum to Complete Seven-Day Test: The Clinical Level course directors support this protocol. They are aware of the weekly requirement and support students to be excused
from their curriculum for 30-minute weekly testing windows.
- Any current students remaining in the area who are not covered in the required testing categories are encouraged to continue taking advantage of COVID-19 testing at the Testing Center.
- Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test, using CoVerified: CoVerified allows you to pull
the formal report/documentation for your COVID test when you test via our Davis Center UVM Strong Testing Center. Simply navigate to your test results within the App or in the Browser and you can view and/or send the attachment (PDF
of your test and test result).
- Exemption Requests: If you are away and will therefore miss the 7-9 day testing window, you must submit a temporary exemption request.
If you fall under "required to test" guidelines and still feel you should be exempt, please include extenuating circumstance in your exemption request form to help expedite processing.
- UVM Weekly Testing Report
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We are sharing opportunities and needs in the State of Vermont. The University of Vermont has not vetted or researched these opportunities and cannot warrant or recommend one opportunity over another. It is your sole responsibility to thoroughly evaluate
any volunteer organization or opportunity before engaging. Please practice physical distancing and follow the established guidelines to
keep yourself and your community safe. Consider the following opportunities independently and carefully after looking into the organization and their safety practices.
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- MON, May 24:
- TUE, May 25:
- Annual Spring Move-Out Project (FREE): 05/25, 11-2, Buell St., Burlington, VT.
For off-campus students wanting to get rid of furniture that's no longer functional or odds and ends that need to be trashed, Spring Move-Out (SMOP) is your answer.
- WED, May 26:
- Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds - "The Pathology Pipeline: Engaging Students Into Pathology": 05/26, 1-2pm, via Zoom.
- THU, May 27: No UVM/UVM Larner Med community events posted for this day.
- FRI, May 28:
- Good Morning Coffee/Tea With Dean Zehle: 05/28, 7-7:55am, via Zoom. Join
the Zoom link and meet with Dr. Zehle. Catch up, discuss any issues or concerns, or share your favorite coffee/tea recipe. We hope to see you there!
- SAT, May 29: No UVM/UVM Larner Med community events posted for this day.
- SUN, May 30:
- Monthly Student Education Group (SEG) Meeting: 06/01, 6-7:30pm, via Zoom.
- Monthly Larner Medical Student Council Meeting: 06/02, 5-7:30pm, via Zoom.
- Pediatric Resident/Fellow Graduation: 06/02, 7:50-9am, via zoom.
- Inaugural Symposium of the Vermont Center for Cardiovascular and Brain Heath (VCCBH): 06/03-06/04, 11am-3pm, virtual event (registration required).
- Here to Help Event - Sandwiches! 06/05, 9am-2:30pm, at the Red Door Church 21 Buell St, Burlington, VT 05401. Want to help your local community? Do you love sandwiches? Come join this Here to Help event...
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STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES (Scholarships, Awards, & Finance FYIs)
- Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program Reopened: The Vermont Housing Finance Agency is accepting applications again from Vermont homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This latest round
of program funding provides grants for up to 12 months of past-due mortgage and property tax payments for eligible Vermont homeowners. Visit the website or call (888) 714-2260 to learn more and apply.
- The Vermont Emergency Rental Assistance Program (VERAP) was created to help renters dealing with financial challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. VERAP helps tenant households with paying rent, past-due rent balances (also known as arrears), utility and home energy costs, utility and home energy cost arrears, and other expenses related to housing. Rent expenses include rent, rent arrears.
- Student Loan Interest Rates Increasing for 21/22 Year: Do you have unused loan funds from the current 20/21 Year?...
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- SUBMISSION PERIOD - Academic Medicine calls for letters from trainees*: 05/24 - 05/28. Seeking original submissions for our Letters to the Editor feature from medical students, residents, fellows, and trainees in other health professions on the topic of trainees as agents of change in academic medicine and the health professions...
- AAMC Intersectionality and Women of Color Series - "Carving a Path to Leadership: Strategies and Interventions": 05/26, 12:30-1:30pm, via webinar (registration required). This live event will explore interventions and strategies immediately needed to support, develop, and sponsor women of color from leaving and thriving in the ranks of leadership in academic medicine...
- And Save the date! AAMC Intersectionality and Women of Color Series - "Cultivating Well Workspaces for Women of Color", June 17, 2021, 12 – 1pm ET
- Summit on the Future of Vermont*: 05/26-05/27, virtual event (registration required). Join us to consider ideas for Vermont’s future, think with experts and leaders, contribute your ideas for action, and engage in partnership for the future of Vermont...
- APPROACHING APPLICATION DEADLINE - Accelerating Change in Medical Education Innovation Grant Program*: 06/01 application deadline. The program’s $30,000 grants aim to hasten the transformation of medical education by supporting the research, implementation and expansion of key innovations and initiatives...
- Inaugural Symposium of the Vermont Center for Cardiovascular and Brain Heath (VCCBH): 06/03-06/04, 11am-3pm, virtual event (registration required)
- 2021 AAMC Integrating Quality Conference*: 06/04 virtual event (registration required). Register be part of meaningful dialogue with leaders across the health professions at the 2021 AAMC Integrating Quality Conference...
- APPROACHING ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE - 7th Annual Pediatric Research Forum for Medical Students (submission required to attend 9/4 Forum)*: 06/04 submission deadline. Attendance
to 9/4 forum will be limited to 100 registrants to comply with Disney COVID safety protocols. The cost to attend and/or present at the forum is $100 per student. Registration information will be made available to you following abstract acceptance
- Call for submissions - v-NERIC Lightning Talks: 06/14 submission deadline. A great opportunity for students and other early career professionals to present exciting research and win prizes...
- Call for submissions - AMA ChangeMedEd® 2021 Bright Ideas Showcase*: 06/16 submission deadline. With the ChangeMedEd 2021 Bright Ideas Showcase, the American Medical Association wants to hear your blue-sky ideas to improve diversity and address structural racism across the medical education continuum...
- AAMC Telehealth Competencies to Train the Current and Future Physician Workforce: 07/15, 1-2pm, a live virtual event (registration required). This session will provide an introduction to these competencies and engage the attendees in an interactive discussion about the barriers and benefits of integrating them across academic medicine...
- 2021 North East Regional Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Conference*: 08/16-08/18, virtual event (registration required). The conference will bring together researchers from IDeA programs throughout Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont and will feature keynotes, science sessions, breakouts, and lighting talks...
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- NEW! Larner Medicine Issue: Larner Medicine | May 19, 2021 | Volume III, Issue 10 recently "hit the shelves." This issue announces the Class of 2021 Honors Celebration award recipients and includes a blog highlight for Sadie
Casale, member of the class of 2024! Check out the latest issue of Larner Medicine...
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If you receive feedback from students and put that feedback into action, please let our student community know; submit postings/updates to Medical Student Services by
7am, on Fridays. Postings are reviewed by the Office of Medical Student Education Medical Education Leadership Team on Mondays for inclusion in an upcoming issue of the WeeklyWire. Community members can also view our database of current and past “You Said, We Did” submissions, in the Learning Commons.
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* = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorsed