Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students @UVM LCOM

Welcome to the UVM Larner Med community! At UVM, we work together to create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and has opportunities to thrive both inside and outside the classroom. Our community is not immune to troubling present-day realities which can include gender-based violence and intolerance of difference. These can manifest as racism, ableism, discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin (including shared ancestry and ethnic characteristics), or other forms of bias based on our unique identities. Please visit our unified reporting portal to learn more about available resources and how to share concerns of bias, discrimination, and harassment.

With this in mind, UVM Larner College of Medicine requires every new incoming student to take two mini courses (or "Learning Modules") that must be completed before your arrival on campus:

  • Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students (SAPG)
  • Diversity Inclusion & Belonging for Students: Our Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will be in communication with you regarding this pre-matriculation learning module.

Over 500,000 students across the country complete these courses each year.

SAPG uses evidenced-based research to teach students about sexual misconduct. Whether you encounter misconduct or not, SAPG will help empower you to make informed choices.

Thank you for your commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and healthy campus environment for all #uvmfuturedocs and Catamounts. We look forward to seeing you on campus in a few short weeks!

To fulfill the requirement:

Part I - Complete the Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students Training

This training should take less than one hour to complete. The course ends with an exam and a survey. Students must receive a passing score on the final exam to complete this requirement; if you receive below a 70% (considered a fail in the curriculum), you will be asked to repeat the training.

Training Launch Date: June 26, 2024

Deadline to complete Part I: August 01, 2024

Once our training launches, you will receive an email to your UVM account from Vector with a personalized link to get started ( email address). The link in the email will prompt you to create an account using as the username and a VectorSolutions password of your choosing. If you lost the email or can't find it (it may land in your spam folder), you can still access the learning modules via the UVM Vector Solutions sign-in platform beginning June 26.

If you have any issues accessing the courses or have technical questions, please reach out to Vector Customer Care and a representative will assist you directly. 

If you have questions regarding course content or LCOM-specific needs, please get in touch with your Medical Student Services Team.

Part II (OPTIONAL - this is evaluation/research data for the training developers)

You will be prompted to complete a follow-up to SAPG 45 days after you complete Part 1; this follow-up will take approximately 15 minutes.

Part III - Course-Debriefing Session

The Office of Medical Education has scheduled debriefing sessions during the Fall Semester, as a mandatory Orientation Course session.

The class debrief provides students a safe and confidential space to process and discuss what you learned or thought during and after taking the online training course.

Other Important Information:

  • You will need Internet access and audio capabilities.
  • To avoid technical issues, please use any major web browser released within the previous two years.
  • You may take the course(s) in multiple sittings.
    • Note: Should your internet session time out or get interrupted, the course will resume where you left off when you sign back into the system.
  • The courses may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers.
  • Should you experience problems, technical support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the “Help” link within the course.

Technical problems

If you have any issues accessing the courses or have technical questions, please reach out to Vector Customer Care and a representative will assist you directly.

If you have problems logging in with your UVM email address (netID) or password call the UVM Help Desk at (802) 656-2604

Campus Advocacy - HOPE Works Partnership

The Vice Provost and Dean of Students Office, in cooperation with the Center for Health and Well Being (CHWB), partners with HOPE Works, a leading organization for sexual violence crisis counseling and advocacy in Chittenden County. As of August 16, 2021, victim’s advocacy was no longer housed within the Women and Gender Equity Center (WAGE). This important service transitioned to CHWB in partnership with HOPE Works, for 24/7 coverage.

The decision to transition victim support services to CHWB and HOPE Works was made for three primary reasons:

  1. to allow for a variety of individuals from differing backgrounds and experiences to render advocacy service on campus and promote inclusivity;
  2. to ensure the availability of 24-hour coverage; and
  3. to strengthen confidentiality in rendering these services. UVM is grateful for the skilled advocacy services that the WAGE Center has historically provided, and for their continued work to advance gender equity.

HOPE Works staff members are offer on-campus appointments and are also available to the campus community through a 24/7 hotline at 802-863-1236. As a standalone crisis response center, HOPE Works is able to provide a more complete array of services in a fully confidential manner as defined by Vermont law. More information is available from the Center for Health and Wellbeing.

Resources at UVM

Counseling & Psychiatry Services
(802) 656-3340

Women's Center
(802) 656-7892

Victim's Advocate
(802) 656-7892

Hope Works
(802) 863-1236

Women Helping Battered Women
(802) 658-1996

Students of Concern Resources @UVM
If there is a potential for danger to self or others, Campus Police at 802-656-3473 (on campus) or 911 (off-campus) should be called immediately.

Departmental Contacts:

Office of Medical Education