How We Support Community Members

No one knows a community like the people who live and work there. So, we start by listening to you. Next, we discuss the assets we can share with you, such as funding, partnerships, and research expertise. Then we work with you to make your community a healthier one.

We would love to hear what your priorities are and how we can help address them.

Community Engagement Research Navigators ...

  • Are conveners and consultants who help partners define shared goals
  • Build relationships between community members and academic researchers
  • Conduct community needs assessments to help identify specific challenges and develop targeted plans to address them
  • Convene regional community-academic councils to promote research partnerships
  • Educate and support community members interested in participating in research
  • Partner with community members and researchers to secure grant funding for community priorities

Contact a Community Engagement Research Navigator with your questions or ideas today.


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Become a Member!

Membership is free. All NNE-CTR members have access to our services and support. Learn more about NNE-CTR membership and join today.


Please email us with any questions or for help accessing services.