Title: Targeting Pial Collaterals for Acute Stroke Treatment (PI: Cipolla)
Type: 2R01 NS093289-06
Agency: NIH, NINDS; Total Direct Support: $2,270,991: Period: 05/31/21-06/30/26
PI: Marilyn
J. Cipolla, Ph.D.
Title: Vermont Center for Cardiovascular and Brain Health
Type: P20 Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)
Agency: NIH, NIGMS; Total Direct Support: $1,500,000; Period: 07/01/19-06/30/2024
PI/PD: Mark Nelson, PhD and Mary Cushman, MD
Role: Project mentor for 2 Projects
Title: Sevoflurane Induced Cerebrovascular Dysfunction in Infant Offspring from Preeclamptic Pregnancies
Type: Mentored Research Training Grant
Agency: Foundation for Anesthesia Research; Total
Direct Support: $250,000; Period 01/01/22-12/31/24
PI: Emmett Whitaker, MD
Role: Primary mentor
Title: Hippocampal vascular function in chronic hypertension and post-stroke dementia
Type: Career Development Award 20CDA35310239
Agency: American Heart Association; Total Direct Support: $210,000;
Period 07/01/20-06/30/24
PI: Abbie C. Johnson, PhD
Role: Secondary Mentor