ELAM® and ELH - Executive Leadership Professional Development Programs

ODI.Photo.325x200-8Executive Leadership Professional Development Programs


Each year, the Larner College of Medicine selects outstanding women faculty for two professional development programs hosted by Drexel University, The Hedwig van Amerigen Hedwig van Amerigen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program for Women (ELAM), and The Executive Leadership in Healthcare (ELH) Programs.


Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine

ELAM is the nation's only in-depth program focused on preparing senior women faculty at schools of medicine, dentistry and public health for institutional leadership positions where they can effect positive change and lead and manage in today's complex health care environment.

The program offers an intensive one-year program of leadership training with coaching, networking and mentoring opportunities aimed at expanding the national pool of qualified women candidates for leadership positions. Up to two Larner College of Medicine candidates will be selected.

A competitive nominee will:

  • have held the rank of associate professor or higher for at least 2 years
  • have administrative experience in personnel and budget management
  • show evidence of leadership experience that includes strategic risk-taking
  • display a track record of formal and informal professional development, including mentoring and program participation outside her specialty field
  • provide a clear rationale for seeking leadership roles
  • demonstrate the potential for assuming an executive leadership position at an academic health center within the next five years.

If selected, recipients will participate in a one-year curriculum focused on strategic finance, organizational dynamics and personal leadership effectiveness. The candidate and/or her institution are responsible for the program fee of at least $16,000, plus travel and lodging for the program sessions. More information on ELAM can be found at www.drexelmed.edu/elam.

Executive Leadership in Healthcare

ELH is targeted to women at the associate or full professor level who are established experts in their domains. Candidates will have a track record of achievement in clinical program development or other institutional-level activities that mark them as appropriate, and have aspirations to lead at the executive level in the next five years. One Larner College of Medicine candidate will be selected.

A competitive nominee will:

  • be at least seven years out of training
  • have an MD, or MD-equivalent
  • have program-level leadership
  • institutional-level responsibilities (operational or strategic management)
  • Aspirations to executive-level health system roles (executive leadership, chief medical officer, chief quality officer)


ELAM and ELH Timeline

  • Nominations for both programs will be called for in September
  • Nominees will be selected in Mid-October
  • Program decisions will be announced the following Spring
  • The Programs will begin in June


ELAM and ELH Nominating Committee

  • Anne Dougherty MD, Director for Gender Equity
  • Elizabeth Bonney MD, MPH
  • Beth Kirkpatrick, MD
  • Debra Leonard MD, PhD
  • Julia Johnson, MD
  • Rebecca Wilcox, MD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

Questions? Contact Anne Dougherty.

Interested women faculty should discuss the nomination with their chair and submit a one-page statement of interest and their CV to Krista Koeller, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program Specialist.