Well-Being Action Plan

The Story:

A primary care pediatrician at the University of Vermont Children’s Hospital Primary Care Practice was looking for a way to support children to identify emotional coping skills and strategies to manage the normal ups and downs of life.  She needed a tool that could be used to proactively provide anticipatory guidance about managing emotions.  She also needed a tool to help youth self-identify additional needs when their current strategies were not working.  In 2018, Drs Green and Smith created the Well-Being Action Plan (WBAP).  The WBAP was developed with feedback of pediatricians, psychiatrists, adolescent specialists and psychologists in Burlington Vermont. 

Well Being Action Plan with Implementation Guide

(Note: For printing purposes, there is a blank page after the Implementation Guide, before the WBAP.)

Feedback about the WBAP is welcome, please email: andrea.green@uvmhealth.org


Citation:  Andrea E. Green, MDCM, Benjamin Smith, MD, The Pediatric Well-Being Action Plan. 2018
Copyright: University of Vermont

Terms of Use of the Well-Being Action Plan: By downloading the Well-Being Action Plan (“WBAP”), the user agrees to the following terms and conditions.

Ownership:  The WBAP is owned by the University of Vermont.

No Modification: The WBAP, whether in English or translation, may not be modified in any way without the written consent of the creators or their proxies. Anyone wishing to modify or translate the WBAP should contact Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP) at (802) 656-8210 or email

Limited License to Make Copies.

A printable version of the Well-Being Action Plan may be downloaded from the VCHIP website and can be printed without charge by individuals or organizations provided that such organizations or individual do not request or receive payment or reimbursement from the child, family or insurance provider. In addition, an electronic version of the WBAP may be used for clinical care or research provided that the provider or researcher does not request or receive payment or reimbursement from the child, family or insurance provider.  No other rights to copy, use, distribute, or display the WBAP are granted.

No Commercial Use: The WBAP may not be used for commercial use. 

No Warranty. 

The WBAP is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.  In no event shall the authors, UVM or VCHIP be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the use of WBAP.

Governing Law

These terms of use will be governed by the laws of the state of Vermont. 

