• Goldman Named Inaugural Follansbee Professor
    February 4, 2020
    Glenn Goldman, M.D., professor of medicine and chief of dermatology, was invested as the inaugural Rogers and Nancy Follansbee Professor of Dermatology during a formal ceremony held February 3, 2020 at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont.
  • Gramling Study Finds Machine Learning Illuminates End-of-Life Conversations
    December 9, 2019
    Researchers at the University of Vermont’s Vermont Conversation Lab, including Miller Chair of Palliative Medicine Robert Gramling, M.D., D.Sc., have used machine learning and natural language processing to better understand what conversations surrounding life-threatening and serious illnesses look like, in order to help healthcare providers improve their end-of-life communication. Their work was published December 9 in the journal Patient Education and Counselling.
  • Cushman and Copeland Named to List of World’s Most Influential Researchers
    November 20, 2019
    Two University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine faculty have been named to a list of the world’s most influential researchers, based on the number of times their published studies have been cited by other researchers over the past decade. Researchers on the list are in the top 1 percent of all scholars whose work has been cited. The prestigious Highly Cited Researchers list is compiled and published annually by Clarivate Analytics.
  • UVM Health Network Pilot Project Offers Patients Genomic DNA Testing
    November 18, 2019
    The UVM Health Network is partnering with Invitae and LunaPBC on a pilot project to offer Genomic DNA Testing to patients as part of their clinical care. The pilot program is the beginning of an effort to increase the integration of genetic disease risks into routine medical care, which holds promise for providing Vermonters with valuable information to guide their health decisions.
  • Research Excellence and Scholarship Highlighted at Annual Celebration Events
    October 30, 2019
    The Larner College of Medicine's fourth annual "Celebrating Excellence in Research" series featured two days of presentations and recognition designed to highlight research performed by junior faculty, senior faculty, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate students at the College.
  • 22nd Annual Women's Health and Cancer Conference Draws More Than 800 From Community
    October 4, 2019
    It was a beautiful fall day of education and inspiration at the 22nd annual Women’s Health and Cancer Conference. More than 800 patients, providers, exhibitors and family members took part in this one-day, free event.
  • Dynamic Duos: Research Teams from the UVM Cancer Center
    September 9, 2019
  • Zubarik Interviewed by NBC5 on Pancreatic Cancer
    March 7, 2019
    (MARCH 7, 2019) Professor of Medicine and Division Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Richard Zubarik, M.D. was interviewed on NBC5 about pancreatic cancer.
  • Breast MRI Study Co-Authored by Sprague Featured in Multiple News Outlets
    June 4, 2019
    (JUNE 4, 2019) A breast cancer study published in Radiology and co-authored by Associate Professor of Surgery and Director of the Vermont Breast Cancer Surveillance System Brian Sprague, Ph.D., has been picked up by the newswires and published on multiple websites.
  • UVM & Dept. of Health Seek Young Vermonters’ Feedback on Substance Use Policies
    May 22, 2019
    (MAY 22, 2019) In April, the Vermont Department of Health, Vermont Center on Behavior and Health at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont (UVM), and UVM Cancer Center launched a new longitudinal pilot study, called PACE Vermont (Policy and Communication Evaluation Vermont), which is engaging young people ages 12 to 25 to help close the knowledge gap in effective substance use prevention efforts.
  • New England Cable News Highlights Krag's Cancer Research
    March 17, 2019
    (MARCH 17, 2019) Local Vermont media coverage of the annual S.D. Ireland St. Patrick's Day cement truck parade featured an interview with David Krag, M.D., S.D. Ireland Professor of Surgical Oncology at UVM's Larner College of Medicine, whose research is supported in part by the S.D. Ireland Cancer Research Fund, for which the event is a fundraiser.
  • Class of '21 Hosts Public Health Projects Poster Session
    January 23, 2019
    Now 15 years old, the Public Health Projects course at the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine has yielded well over 200 projects in partnership with the United Way of Northwest Vermont, dozens of community collaborators and more than 100 professional publications. On January 23, members of the Class of 2021 showcased their work at a Poster Session & Community Celebration.
  • Class of ‘20 Students Present Public Health Projects – and Receive Awards – at APHA
    December 12, 2018
    The Public Health Projects course is 15 years old! Since it first launched in 2004, Larner College of Medicine students have completed 233 projects in partnership with the United Way of Northwest Vermont and dozens of community collaborators and published a total of nine papers and 123 peer-reviewed abstracts, including presentations at the American Public Health Association annual meeting.
  • Cushman & Page Receive Accolades at the AHA 2018 Scientific Sessions
    November 12, 2018
    University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine faculty members Mary Cushman, M.D., and Richard L. Page, M.D., were honored with the Council on Clinical Cardiology (CLDC) Distinguished Achievement Award at the Couawards at the American Heart Association (AHA) 2018 Scientific Sessions in Chicago.
  • Excellence in Research Events Celebrate Faculty & Trainee Accomplishments
    October 25, 2018
    The Larner College of Medicine at UVM hosted the third annual "Celebrating Excellence in Research" on Monday, October 29, and Tuesday, October 30, 2018. This two-day event highlights the research being conducted by junior faculty, senior faculty, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate students at the College.
  • Ahern Featured on CNN to Discuss Connection between Statins and Breast Cancer
    October 8, 2018
    Comments by Assistant Professor of Surgery and UVM Cancer Center member Thomas Ahern, Ph.D., are featured in a CNN.com article, titled “Statins' benefits beyond heart health aren't clear-cut, analysis says.”
  • Setting the Stage for Active Learning: Q&A with Jesse Moore, M.D.
    September 7, 2018
  • Ahern Receives St. Baldrick's Foundation Grant to Study Phthalates & Cancer
    August 7, 2018
    UVM Assistant Professor of Surgery Thomas Ahern, Ph.D., is the recipient of one of 76 St. Baldrick's Foundation grants totaling more than $19.1 million to support studying innovative treatment options in the pediatric cancer space.
  • Wood Named Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
    June 22, 2018
    Marie Wood, M.D., professor of medicine and director of the Familial Cancer Program in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, was named a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO) at the organization’s annual meeting, held June 1 to 5, 2018 in Chicago, Ill.
  • Wong Invested as Inaugural Berta Pi-Sunyer Williams Endowed Professor
    June 8, 2018
    Cheung Wong, M.D., was invested as the inaugural Williams Professor at an investiture ceremony held June 8, 2018 at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont.