• College Hosts Public Health Projects Celebration, Health Equity Lecture
    July 21, 2016
    Attitudes and tobacco use before and after the launch of the University of Vermont's tobacco-free campus policy and barriers to providing opioid dependence treatment in primary care offices were topics for two of 16 University of Vermont College of Medicine Public Health Projects conducted by medical students in the Class of 2018 during the fall 2015 semester.
  • Toth’s NCI Grant Will Test Muscle-rebuilding Strategy in Breast Cancer Patients
    July 21, 2016
    He’s not a personal trainer, but University of Vermont Associate Professor of Medicine Michael Toth, Ph.D., has an idea for counteracting the muscle loss that commonly occurs in cancer patients. What causes this loss in muscle loss – or atrophy – with cancer and its treatment is still not known, but Toth believes that the reduction in physical activity during cancer treatment may be an important factor.
  • Holmes and Cancer Center Host Research Symposium on Bleeding and Cancer
    July 21, 2016
    The University of Vermont Cancer Center’s annual Clinical and Translational Research Symposium took place on Friday, April 29, 2016 in the UVM Medical Center’s Davis Auditorium and provided a day of learning and scientific collaboration on the topic of “Thrombosis, Hemostasis, and Cancer.” Experts from across North America joined UVM Cancer Center members and colleagues to discuss the science of bleeding, blood clots, and related complications in cancer care.
  • Cancer Center Holds Juckett Lecture and 2nd Annual Men’s Health & Cancer Conference
    July 12, 2016
    The University of Vermont Cancer Center presented two events at the College of Medicine on June 23 and June 24 to highlight important research and information relating to men’s health and cancer.
  • Sprague, Weaver & Stein to Study Mechanisms Underlying Idle vs. Progessive Early Stage Breast Cancers
    November 11, 2015
    While better technology and screening practices have led to the detection of more breast cancers in women—many of which fall into a broad category of early-stage cancer, including ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS—researchers still do not understand why some of these early cancers remain idle, while others progress. With the support of a new, $3.7 million federal grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), an interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Vermont (UVM) Cancer Center will be looking to answer this question.

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