Congratulations to New Teaching Academy Members and Award Recipients
The Teaching Academy hosted its annual Induction and Award Ceremony on Thursday, January 31. We welcomed 28 new members and conferred 4 Awards for Teaching and Educational Excellence.
2018 Inductees

Distinguished Educator
Mark Plante, MD, Surgery
Master Teacher
Robert D’Agostino, MD, Radiology
Andrea Green, MD, Pediatrics
Friederike Keating, MD, Medicine
Michael LaMantia, MD, Medicine
Janet Murray, PhD, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Deirdre O’Reilly, MD, Pediatrics
Anne Dougherty, MD, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
Danielle Ehret, MD, Pediatrics
Jonathan Flyer, MD, Pediatrics
Deepak Gupta, MD, Neurological Sciences
Abhishek Kumar, MD Medicine
Lauren MacAfee, MD, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
Roberta O’Brien, MD, Medicine
Marios Prikis, MD, Medicine
David Rand, DO, MPH, Medicine
Andrew Rosenfeld, MD, Psychiatry
Matthew Saia, MD, Pediatrics
Eline van den Broek-Altenburg, PhD, Psychiatry
Stanley Weinberger, III, MD, Pediatrics
Hillary Anderson, MD, Pediatrics
Nicholas Bedrin, MD, Surgery
James East, MD, PhD, Radiology
Johanna Kelley, MD, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
Stephen Ranney, MD, Surgery
Rebecca Rieck, MD, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
Avneet Singh, MD, Medicine
Teaching Academy Awards for Teaching and Educational Excellence

Innovation in Curriculum Development or Pedagogy
Keith Curtis, MD, Surgery
Learner Assessment
Cate Nicholas, EdD, PA, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences
Outstanding Contribution
Maria Mercedes Avila, PhD, Pediatrics
Frederick C. Morin III, MD Educational Leadership Award
Tania Bertsch, MD, Medicine
Mud Season Education Retreat Registration is OPEN!
Friday, March 29, 2019
Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center
An all-day education retreat featuring workshops on clinical teaching, social medicine, active learning, and resources for educational scholarship; networking; and keynote session:
How Should We Prepare Students to Fight Clinically Impactful Injustice?
Tim Lahey, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease, Director, Department of Ethics, Larner College of Medicine.
*This event is open to all faculty.
Find the schedule online and click here to register.
Contact with questions.
Frymoyer Scholars Program Call for Proposals 2019
We want to call your attention to an important educational opportunity that is available to faculty involved in teaching our students--the Frymoyer Scholars Program. The Frymoyer Scholars Program supports physicians and nurses who are actively engaged in teaching University of Vermont medical and nursing students and who embody the best qualities of the clinician teacher. More details about the program can be found via the website links below.
We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity by submitting a proposal. Applications for 2019 are due by March 15, 2019. The program has funded 47 projects over the past 18 years. The results accomplished by Frymoyer Scholars have enhanced the learning experience of our students and improved patient care. We look forward to more award-winning projects this upcoming year.
Click here for the 2019 Frymoyer Scholars Program Call for Proposals
Frymoyer Scholars Program on the Teaching Academy website:
Please contact The Teaching Academy: for further formation.
Now Open: Travel Awards and Curriculum Development/Ed Scholarship Grant Call
The Teaching Academy is pleased to announce the following grant and award opportunities for 2019:
Teaching Academy Curriculum Development and Educational Scholarship Grant
The Teaching Academy will award a grant to fund projects that foster innovation and improvement in teaching, learning, and educational scholarship.
The Teaching Academy at the Larner College of Medicine sustains and supports an interdisciplinary community of educators who value the scholarship of teaching and learning while facilitating educator development; improve the efficiency and quality of medical education through collaboration and scholarship; and promote an academic environment that increases the value and impact of educators locally, regionally, and nationally.
2018 Recipients: Stephanie Mann, MD and Colleen Quinn, MD: “A Health Systems Science Curriculum for the Larner College of Medicine Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship”
Please review details on the Teaching Academy website:
Applications due by midnight on April 1, 2019.
Teaching Academy Travel Award
The Teaching Academy will award up to three travel awards to support member travel to present educational scholarship or attend professional development events related to the mission of the Teaching Academy.
The Teaching Academy at the Larner College of Medicine sustains and supports an interdisciplinary community of educators who value the scholarship of teaching and learning while facilitating educator development; improve the efficiency and quality of medical education through collaboration and scholarship; and promote an academic environment that increases the value and impact of educators locally, regionally, and nationally.
2018 Recipients: Bridget Marroquin, MD and Alan Rubin, MD
Please review details on the Teaching Academy website:
Applications due by midnight on April 1, 2019.
Save the Dates: Spring 2019 IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series
The 2019 spring series of the IAMSE webinar program will focus on the role of basic science in 21st century medical education. Join us on Thursdays in January at 12pm in MedEd 204. These sessions are drop-in, bring your own lunch, come as you are. Remote viewing is also available. For more information, visit:
March 7 - The Changing Roles of the Basic Science Educator - Ron Harden, OBE MD FRCP (GLAS.) FRCS (ED.) FRCPC
March 14 - Going Lecture Free for Gen Z - Brenda Roman, MD; Mary Jo Trout, Pharm D, BCPS, BCGP; Irina Overman, MD
March 21 - Role of Foundational Sciences in Clinical Years - Kim Dahlman, PhD
March 28 - Stepping Beyond the “Step 1 Climate” - Kathy Andolsek, MD, MPH; David Chen, MSIII
April 4 - Moving USMLE Step 1 After Core Clerkships: Rationale, Challenges and Early Outcomes - Michelle Daniel, MD, MHPE, FACEP
AAMC Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) Workshops
The Teaching Academy is hosting two AAMC Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) Workshops on Friday, April 12, 2019.
The Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) program is intended to provide the knowledge necessary to understand the purposes and processes of medical education research, to become informed consumers of the medical education research literature, and to be effective collaborators in medical education research. Alone, MERC is not intended to produce independent medical education researchers.
The program is open to all who are interested in improving their educational research skills and is targeted for those with a background in medical education but relatively less experience in conducting educational research. The courses are targeted for clinicians and other educators who desire to learn research skills that will enable collaborative participation in medical education research projects.
Both sessions will be led by Larry Gruppen, PhD, Professor of Medical Education, Department of Learning and Health Sciences, University of Michigan Medical School.
The morning session will be "Formulating Research Questions and Designing Studies"
Friday, April 12, 2019
Med Ed 302/303
Register here for the morning session
In this workshop, participants will brainstorm research ideas, write, and refine a measurable research question. They will discuss when IRB approval is required for their study. The basics of research design will be discussed and applied to their selected research question.
After participating in this workshop, learners will be able to:
- Write a FINER (feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, relevant) educational research question;
- Specify an educational research area of interest;
- Evaluate whether they need IRB approval for their study;
- Select the correct design for their research question.
The afternoon session will be "Measuring Educational Outcomes with Reliability and Validity"
Friday, April 12, 2019
Med Ed 302/303
Register here for the afternoon session
This workshop introduces participants to the principles of score reliability and validity, using a combination of didactics and review of medical education research projects. The workshop is divided into two parts with group exercises designed to reinforce understanding of the main principles.
After participating in this workshop, learners will be able to:
- Identify three types of reliability (inter-rater, test-retest, and internal consistency);
- Match types of reliability with appropriate statistical measures;
- Describe the relationship between reliability and validity;
- Describe multiple forms of evidence for validity;
- Select an approach to reliability and validity assessment for a particular study.
There is no charge to participate, however you must pre-register. You must register for each session individually at the links above. Registration priority for Teaching Academy members. A minimum of 8 participants is required, the maximum enrollment is 25. For more information about the MERC Program, visit:
Questions? Please contact Teaching Academy Coordinator, Amanda Broder