Pharmacology Courses Offered
The following course are offered by the Department of Pharmacology (PHRM):
Pharmacology Minor. A total of 15 credits is required for the minor. Prerequisites for all courses are university level introductory biology and chemistry courses; the chemistry courses must include organic chemistry; students must have a B average and junior status to qualify for admission to the minor. Specific Requirements: PHRM 3010, PHRM 3720, PHRM 3900; additional course(s) selected from PHRM 3000, 5400, 3995, 6050, 6730, 6810 or an extradepartmental course approved by the Pharmacology department. Contact Program Directors; Dr. Osama Harraz and Dr. Nicholas Klug.
Master's in Pharmacology A full listing of all courses currently approved for the Pharmacology Master's degrees can be found here: Approved Pharm Courses. Please note that courses not on this list might also be suitable. Students interested in such courses should contact the program director, Dr. Gerry Herrera.
3000 Medical Cannabis. An introduction to the pharmacology underlying recreational and medicinal uses of Cannabis. Focuses on Cannabis taxonomy, chemistry of cannabinoids, physiological effects, and emerging therapeutic applications. Discusses historical, political and socio-economic influences on medical marijuana legislation. Prerequisite: BCOR 103, NSCI 110, NSCI 111 or PHRM 201, or Instructor permission. Three hours. McHenry. Syllabus_PHRM3000_2025
3010 Pharmacology and Therapeutics. This course will focus on biochemical and physiological actions of prototype drugs used in the treatment and prevention of human diseases. Prerequisites: Introductory courses in Biology and Organic Chemistry. Three hours. Lounsbury. PHRM 3010 Pharmacology and Therapeutics_Syllabus 2024
5400 Molecules and Medicine. 5000 level courses are open to Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Undergraduates pursuing an AMP may be able to use this course toward both their undergraduate and graduate credits. This course conveys an understanding about drug design and the molecular mechanisms by which drugs act in the body. It highlights the importance of medicinal chemistry as it overlaps with the disciplines of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, and Pharmacology. 5000-level courses are entry level graduate courses and are open by default to graduate, undergraduate, and Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) students without approval. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry, Intro to Biology, or Permission. Three hours. Glass. PHRM 3900 Undergradute Syllabus 2024, PHRM 5400 Molecules and Medicine Syllabus 2024 fin - FINAL
3720 / 5720 Toxicology. 5000 level courses are open to Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Undergraduates pursuing an AMP may be able to use this course toward both their undergraduate and graduate credits. Provide an understanding of the chemical, biochemical and physiological factors that determine the pathological effects of chemicals in living systems. Prerequisites: Organic chemistry, background in biology, or permission. Three hours. Dostmann. PHRM 5720 Toxicology syllabus Spring 2025.
3900 / 5900 Topics in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology. 5000 level courses are open to Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Undergraduates pursuing an AMP may be able to use this course toward both their undergraduate and graduate credits. Focuses on basic principles, drug interactions with receptors, membranes, synapses, neurotransmitters, macromoles, cytoskeleton, ion channels and pumps, and mechanisms of drug resistance. Prerequisites: Introductory course in organic chemistry, background in physiology or health sciences. Three hours. Erdos. PHRM 5900 Gradute Syllabus 2025
3990 Special Topics. Topics of current interest and importance in pharmacology are considered in depth through presentations by staff, students, and visiting scientists. Prerequisite: Permission. Credit variable, one to three hours.
3995 Advanced Pharmacology Research. Independent laboratory research performed under faculty supervision in an area of ongoing pharmacology research. Students must make arrangements with faculty prior to registering. Prerequisite: PHRM 3010, permission required. Credit variable, one to three hours.
6020 Pharmacological Techniques. Experiments conducted under supervision in the areas of drug metabolism, modes of drug action, physicochemical properties of drugs, bioassay, and toxicology. Open to undergraduates with instructor's permission. One to four hours.
6050 Milestones in Pharmacology. A critical readings class where students read and present landmark pharmacology papers and link them to modern experiments and clinical applications. Co-requisites: PHRM 201 or Graduate standing. Two hours. Lounsbury PHRM 305 Milestones in Pharmacology Syllabus Fall 2021
6080 Integrative Physiology and Pharmacology. Graduate level course intended for students pursuing careers in basic scientific research of health-related fields. The course is designed to combine general physiological principles with examples of disease-based pathophysiology and targeted pharmacological approaches. Three Hours. Integrative Physiology and Pharmacology (PHRM 6080) Syllabus Fall 2024
6900 Medical Master's Capstone. Restricted to MSCI Majors. Lounsbury
6730 Readings in Pharmacology. Intensive directed reading in one area of pharmacology. Pharmacology students must choose a topic outside thesis research area. Term paper and seminar on selected topic required. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission. Two hours. PHRM373 2021 syllabus
6810 Seminar. Current developments in pharmacology are presented for discussion by students. Prerequisite: Permission. One hour.
6391 Master's Thesis Research. Credit as arranged.
7491 Doctoral Dissertation Research. Credit as arranged.