
We educate clinicians and scientists from undergraduate through postdoctoral researcher. The pathology faculty are routinely nominated by the medical students for Vermont Integrated Curriculum  (VIC) teaching awards. 

Additionally, our faculty, residents, students and staff actively participate in community education and outreach initiatives. For more information see our Community Education & Outreach Activities.

20080402_MedPhoto_008Clinical Training

Our highly competitive clinical training programs serve 16 residents and four fellows through our Residency & Fellowship program.


Medical Students

The department is an active participant in the Vermont Integrated Curriculum, a series of multidisciplinary courses. Our pathologists are instrumental in the continued success of the curriculum for students.

Our pathologists – attendings, housestaff officers and student fellows alike – give lectures, teach in laboratories, and facilitate small group colloquia. The department offers electives for medical students in the third and fourth clinical years.

Additionally, the department offers a 1-year Pathology Medical Student Fellowship for well qualified medical students.


Master's Degree, Ph.D. and Post-doctoral Studies

With an educational focus on basic and clinical research in human disease, our graduate training incorporates didactic and interactive teaching in departmental and Cell and Molecular Biology courses. Laboratory-based teaching of research techniques, planning and execution of experiments, critical evaluation and interpretation of research data allows presentation of results to other scientists in both verbal and written formats.

Graduate student support is provided through the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Graduate Research Assistantships to encourage the development of graduate students as future scientists.