Musculoskeletal Imaging and Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory 


Improving musculoskeletal health through scientific investigations of structure and function 

The overarching goal of the Musculoskeletal Imaging and Orthopaedic Biomechanics (MIOB) Laboratory is to improve human health and performance for those who suffer from musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions. Our approaches span experimental and computational methods. We use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to visualize disease and quantify anatomy, and we image bone motion directly with dynamic x-ray. Our computational studies combine patient-specific MR-based models with dynamic motion measurements to estimate internal tissue mechanics of orthopaedic tissues. Overall, the experimental and computational methods employed by the MIOB lab aim to improve health outcomes and reduce burdens imposed on patients and our healthcare system.

MIOnic-1-400x400B Lab Principle Investigator

Niccolo Fiorentino, Ph.D.

​Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Electrical & Biomedical Engineering

Undergraduate Student Research





Sadegh Khodabandeloo, MSC

Graduate Research Assistant:  Mechanical Engineering

Arthokinomatic and qMRI changes of patients following combined ACL reconstruction and Meniscus surgeries

Motion capture, dual fluroscopy and MRI study





 Divya Pradip Roy, BS

Graduate Research Assistant:  Biomedical Engineering







Marit Scott, BS

Undergraduate Research Assistant:  Biomedical Engineering



Biomedical Imaging of Musculoskeletal Tissue Structure, Size and Composition



Dynamic Imaging of Joint Motion Using High-speed Dual Fluoroscopy



Joint Mechanics Estimation via Patient-Specific Computer Models