• Singh Interviewed by WCAX-VT About Proactive HIV Testing
    May 29, 2019
    (MAY 29, 2019) Devika Singh, M.D., UVM assistant professor of medicine and UVM Medical Center infectious disease specialist was interviewed at the Larner College of Medicine in April for a May 29th WCAX-VT story about the need to be more proactive with HIV testing for Vermont patients.
  • Dean Richard Page Highlighted by NBC5
    May 28, 2019
    (MAY 28, 2019) Dean Richard L. Page, M.D., was the subject of a recent NBC5 story, titled “Medical school dean continues to see patients, promotes professionalism."
  • Menon Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group & Larner Research Highlighted on WCAX
    April 24, 2019
    (April 24, 2019) WCAX featured the Larner College of Medicine research studies currently be conducted in relation to slowing the progressing of pulmonary fibrosis. Prema Menon, M.D., UVM assistant professor of medicine, spoke about the study saying, "We're creating these mini lungs and looking at if these new patented catalysts can actually reverse fibrosis in humans, which is such a step forward in the research".
  • Larner College of Medicine Faculty Inventions Recognized at Annual I2V Conference
    April 8, 2019
    More than a dozen Larner College of Medicine faculty and scientists were recognized during the awards portion of the 14th annual Invention to Venture (I2V) conference April 5, 2019.
  • Innovative Research Model Sheds Light on Immune Response in Dengue Infection
    March 28, 2019
    Investigators in UVM's Vaccine Testing Center and Center for Translational Global Infectious Disease Research (TGIR) have uncovered details of the human immune response to infection with dengue - a close "cousin" of the Zika virus - which 40 percent of the global population is at risk for contracting. Their study findings were reported recently in the Lancet’s open-access journal EBioMedicine.