• Weiss Receives ALA Grant to Study COVID-19 Lung Damage
    November 13, 2020
    University of Vermont Professor of Medicine Daniel Weiss, M.D., Ph.D., has been selected to receive one of the inaugural American Lung Association COVID-19 Action Initiative's COVID-19 and Respiratory Virus Research Award.
  • Hudziak Featured in National Geographic Regarding Music as Tool for Kids' Pandemic Stress
    November 6, 2020
    (NOVEMBER 6, 2020) James Hudziak, M.D., Director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families, creator and director of the UVM Wellness Environment (WE), and professor of psychiatry, was quoted in a National Geographic article, titled "Why Music Might be the Perfect Tool to Decrease Kids' Pandemic Stress."
  • UVM Scientist Plays Lead Role in #BlackinCardio Campaign
    October 19, 2020
    Organized by Black physicians and scientists in the United States and abroad, the #BlackInCardio movement celebrates Black researchers, clinicians, and professionals in cardiovascular fields and raises awareness of cardiovascular diseases that disproportionately effect the Black community. From October 19 - October 25, the new organization will host its first annual #BlackInCardio week.
  • Majumdar Research Shows How SARS-CoV-2 Robs Cell’s Ability to Sound Alarm and Fight
    October 8, 2020
    New research, published by scientists at the University of Vermont and Caltech in the journal Cell, has pinpointed three specific mechanisms that allow SARS-CoV-2 to incapacitate human cells by disabling the cell’s alarm system to call for help or warn nearby cells of infection.
  • Botten, Bruce & Colleagues' Study Describes Streamlined COVID-19 Test
    October 5, 2020
    A team of scientists at the University of Vermont, working in partnership with a group at the University of Washington, has developed a method of testing for the COVID-19 virus that doesn’t make use of these chemicals but still delivers an accurate result, paving the way for inexpensive, widely available testing in both developing countries and industrialized nations like the United States, where reagent supplies are again in short supply.