Division of Geriatric Medicine
Department of Medicine
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News from the Department of Medicine
Rosen Appointed Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education for WCHN Clinical Campus
Jonathan Rosen, M.D., associate dean for medical education and associate professor of medicine at Albany Medical College, has been appointed associate dean of undergraduate medical education for the University of Vermont College of Medicine clinical teaching affiliate Western Connecticut Health Network (WCHN).
Kennedy and Maclean Discuss Pharmacist-Primary Care Co-Location with Congressional Staff
Sadigh Named a Healthcare Hero by Connecticut Hospital Association
Majid Sadigh, M.D., director of the Global Health Program at the University of Vermont College of Medicine and Western Connecticut Health Network (WCHN), was recognized as a 2016 Healthcare Hero by the Connecticut Hospital Association during the organization’s 98th Annual Meeting held June 28, 2016, in Wallingford, Ct.
Moses Discusses Study to Evaluate New Treatment for Clinical Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis
The following commentary, provided by Peter Moses, M.D., University of Vermont professor of medicine and a gastroenterologist at UVM Medical Center, was originally featured on the University of Vermont Medical Center Blog.
Dixon’s Research on Obesity-Asthma Link Gains Momentum
Building on surprising 2011 study results, Associate Professor Anne Dixon, M.A., B.M., B.Ch., and colleagues, recently reported another critical discovery in the October 1, 2012 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
VT Medical Society Honors Hood, Kaeding and Rowe
The Vermont Medical Society recognized five Vermonters – three of them with ties to the University of Vermont – for their outstanding contributions to the health and wellbeing of the state’s residents during its 199th annual meeting held October 27, 2012 in Woodstock, Vt.
Rincon and Champagne's Discovery Could Help Boost Flu Vaccine Response
A relatively unknown molecule that regulates metabolism could be the key to boosting an individual’s immunity to the flu – and potentially other viruses – according to research reported today in the journal Immunity.
Year in Review 2015: Research Milestones
With proposals ranging from low-cost ground-penetrating radar to a lung sealant derived from seaweed, six research teams from the University of Vermont pitched their ideas to a panel of experts at the first university-wide SPARK-VT session in June 2015, all hoping to receive a seed grant to help move their innovative work one step closer to the marketplace.
Littenberg Comments on Bernie Sanders' Doctor's Report on WPTZ-TV
A letter from Senator Bernie Sanders' physician that was publicly released on January 28, 2016 reported that the presidential candidate is in very good health for a 74-year-old man. Local Vermont NBC affiliate WPTZ-TV interviewed Benjamin Littenberg, M.D., University of Vermont professor of medicine and director of General Internal Medicine Research, about the health findings featured in the letter. Watch a video of the interview
Solomon Comments on Eliminating Kidney Injury from Contrast Media in Medscape, MD
Comments from UVM Patrick Professor of Medicine Richard Solomon, M.D., continue to receive coverage and are again featured in a Medscape article regarding research from China suggesting that central venous pressure monitoring allows safe fluid administration, preventing contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with chronic kidney disease and congestive heart failure. View a PDF of the Medscape article
or subscribers can view the online article
Read the
MD article
from December 9, 2015.
Repp Comments on How the Body Processes Swallowed Gum for Nautilus Blog
Comments on what happens to the body after chewing and swallowing gum or other items from Allen Repp, M.D., UVM associate professor of medicine, are featured on the Nautilus Blog in this post about “The Case for Common Sense Gum-Control.” Read the blog post
Annual Music Concert Founded by Weiss Mentioned in Times-Argus
Beethoven’s Ninth, an annual concert featuring volunteer instrumentalists and choristers which was founded in 2002 by Daniel Weiss, M.D., Ph.D., UVM professor of medicine, was covered. Read the full article in the