News & Media

Larner College of Medicine in the Media

The following news and stories about LCOM appeared in local and/or national media.

  • Cushman Quoted in U.S. News on Blood Type & Blood Clot Risk Study
    Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., UVM professor of medicine and director of the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Program at the UVM Medical Center, commented on an Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology study on the potential increased risk of blood clots in people with blood types A and B in U.S. News & World Report.
  • Gramling's Article on End-of-Life Conversations Covered in Online News Outlets
    (DECEMBER 9, 2019) News about a study on machine learning and end-of-life conversations led by Robert Gramling, M.D., D.Sc., Miller Chair in Palliative Medicine, and published in the journal Patient Education and Counseling, was picked up by several online news outlets.
  • Laurent and Mackey Study Associated Press Article Featured in National Media
    (DECEMBER 9, 2019) Associate Professor of Nursing Jennifer Laurent, Ph.D., FNP, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Scott Mackey, Ph.D., were featured in an Associated Press story about their JAMA Pediatrics study looking at BMI and brain function that was picked up by multiple national outlets, including the New York Times.
  • JAMA Network Open Published Study by Plante and Silverman Covered by National Media Outlets
    (DECEMBER 4, 2019) A study published in JAMA Network Open last week and coauthored by Timothy Plante, M.D., Asst. Prof of Medicine, and Daniel Silverman, M.D., cardiology fellows, has been covered fairly widely in the media, including U.S. News & World Report, HealthDay News and Breitbart.
  • Jacobs Featured in U.S. News Coverage of Healthcare of Tomorrow
    (NOVEMBER 19, 2019) Coverage of the U.S. News & World Report's Healthcare of Tomorrow conference in Washington, D.C., included quotes from Alicia Jacobs, M.D., vice chair and associate professor of family medicine, who served on a panel addressing the opioid crisis and how hospitals and healthcare providers are approaching this epidemic. Jacobs discussed how the University of Vermont Medical Center began to address the opioid crisis and what steps they are taking to help the crisis. Read more at U.S. News & World Report and on the American Hospital Association website.
  • Benzinga Reports on McPartland Cannabis Origin Study
    (NOVEMBER 9, 2019) A study led by John McPartland, D.O., M.S., clinical assistant professor of family medicine, suggests that while cannabis is generally believed to have evolved in Asia and later dispersed to Europe by people, the plant was most likely indigenous to Europe long before humans were present.
    Read full story at Benzinga
  • Irvin & Colleagues Flavored E-Cigs & Asthma Study Covered by National Media Outlets
    (OCTOBER 15, 2019) Several news outlets recently covered a research study on flavored e-cigarettes and asthma published in Nature Scientific Reports by Larner faculty and trainees, including senior author and Professor of Medicine Charles Irvin, Ph.D. The study was funded through UVM's Tobacco Center on Regulatory Science (TCORS) grant.
  • Gramling & Vermont Conversation Lab Featured in Hospice News
    (OCTOBER 7, 2019) A story about the University of Vermont’s Conversation Lab, “which uses machine learning to develop algorithms designed to optimize clinician-patient discussions of serious illness, palliative care and end-of-life care," led by Robert Gramling, M.D., associate professor of family medicine and Miller Chair in Palliative Medicinewas featured in Hospice News.
    Read full story at Hospice News
  • Leahy-led Diabetes Panel Recommendations Featured in Multiple Media Outlets
    (OCTOBER 7, 2019) Coverage of recommendations from an Endocrine Society-convened panel of diabetes experts published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society and led by Professor of Medicine and Director of Endocinology, Diabetes & Metabolism John Leahy, M.D., received coverage in several media outlets.
  • Larner Marches with Academic Medical Center at Pride Vermont Parade
    (SEPTEMBER 9, 2019) LGBTQ community members and allies filled Burlington's Church Street and downtown area with smiles, rainbow flags, and bright colors on Sunday, September 8, at the 2019 Vermont Pride Parade and Festival. The Larner College of Medicine was one of more than 90 organizations that participated in the event, which coincided with the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and had the largest attendance to date.