Larner Faculty Inducted into Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering

November 23, 2020 by Ed Neuert

The Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering formally inducted Larner College of Medicine Dean and Professor of Medicine Richard L. Page, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology Frances Carr, Ph.D., and Professor of Biochemistry Christopher Francklyn, Ph.D., at the Academy's annual meeting on October 26, 2020.

Three Larner faculty members are among four University of Vermont faculty elected in 2020 to the prestigious Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering (VASE) by the VASE Board of Directors.

At the Academy’s annual meeting on October 26 (held virtually over Zoom this year), VASE formally inducted Larner Dean and Professor of Medicine Richard L. Page, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology Frances Carr, Ph.D., and Professor of Biochemistry Christopher Francklyn, Ph.D. UVM Professor of Biology Bryan Baliff, Ph.D., was also inducted into VASE membership this year.

Chartered by the State of Vermont in 1995, VASE has as its mission "to recognize outstanding achievement and contributions in the broadly defined areas of science and/or engineering, to foster a deeper understanding and promote discourse on scientific and technical matters among the citizens of the State of Vermont, and to provide expert and impartial technical advice to the people and the government of the State of Vermont." VASE administers a slate of grants and awards to foster science and technical fields in the Green Mountain State.

The VASE Annual Meeting featured a keynote address by Vermont Commissioner of Health and Larner Professor of Medicine Mark Levine, M.D., on “The Application (and Misapplication) of Science, Epidemiologic Data, Public Health Practices, and Health Policy during the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

Page, Carr and Francklyn join approximately 60 members of Vermont's community of scientists and engineers in the Academy. Learn more about the 2020 VASE inductees on the VASE website.

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“In my research, the data suggest that weight loss and methods that may elicit the benefits of weight loss can be used as therapeutic targets for the treatment of obese asthma.”

— Paola Peña Garcia, Ph.D. candidate, CMB graduate program

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