UVM Scientist Plays Lead Role in #BlackinCardio Campaign

October 19, 2020 by Michelle Bookless

Organized by Black physicians and scientists in the United States and abroad, the #BlackInCardio movement celebrates Black researchers, clinicians, and professionals in cardiovascular fields and raises awareness of cardiovascular diseases that disproportionately effect the Black community. From October 19 - October 25, the new organization will host its first annual #BlackInCardio week.

#BlackInCardio organizers. Kamin-Mukaz is seen in the top second full photo from left.

October 19 marks the first day of a week-long international virtual event called #BlackinCardioWeek.

Organized by Black physicians and scientists in the United States and abroad, the #BlackInCardio movement celebrates Black researchers, clinicians, and professionals in cardiovascular fields and raises awareness of cardiovascular diseases that disproportionately effect the Black community.

Among the organizers is Debora Kamin Mukaz, M.S., Ph.D., a postdoctoral associate at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont. Originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kamin Mukaz received her undergraduate degree from Luther College in Iowa and Ph.D. from the University of Delaware. Her research focuses on defining biomarkers related to incidence of hypertension and diabetes, with an emphasis on studying racial disparities. 

"For me, initiatives like #BlackInCardio help dispel the myth that there is no Black talent in these fields of knowledge," says Kamin Mukaz. "Black people have made and continue to make important contributions to academia and other spheres. This initiative continues a long tradition started by our predecessors."

From October 19 to October 25, the new organization is hosting its first annual #BlackInCardio week. Daily events include social media conversations and panel discussions around access and resources in cardiovascular fields and racial disparities in cardiovascular/cardiometabolic diseases. The week presents an opportunity to make this field of research and medicine more inclusive and equitable - an opportunity that organizers hope will continue to develop and grow long after the event.

Event sponsors include the Cardiovascular Research Institute of Vermont (CVRI), the UVM Larner College of Medicine, the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute and the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford Medical School, the Frankel Cardiovascular Center at the University of Michigan, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Heart Association.

Learn more about #BlackInCardio at https://blackincardio.com/ and join in the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

For a full schedule and to RSVP
for individual events go to https://blackincardio.com/schedule/.

Read a blog post, titled "On the Price of Being a Black Scientist," by Kamin Mukaz.

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