The UVM Medical Alumni Association (MAA) is hosting the 2016 Graduate Student Research Showcase Program on Tuesday, October 18, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Anne Huot, M.S.'88, Ph.D.'90, recipient of the Larner College of Medicine Medical Alumni Association's 2016 Distinguished Graduate Alumni Award. (Courtesy photo)
The UVM Medical Alumni Association (MAA) is hosting the 2016 Graduate Student Research Showcase Program on Tuesday, October 18, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Anne E. Huot, M.S.'88, Ph.D.'90, president of Keene State College in N.H., and the 2016 MAA Distinguished Graduate Alumni Award Recipient will deliver the keynote presentation at the event from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Reardon Classroom on the third floor of the Larner Medical Education Center.
Presented every year to an alumnus/a from the College of Medicine's Ph.D. or M.S. program, the Distinguished Graduate Alumni Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in basic, clinical or applied research; education; industry; public service/humanitarianism; and/or outstanding commitment to the College of Medicine community.
Huot has dedicated her career to the transformative power of education and the opportunities higher education presents for contributing to and bettering society. Throughout her 23-year experience as a faculty member and senior administrator, and now as president of Keene State College, Huot has focused her attention on academic excellence as her highest priority. Her work has been directed toward developing systems and programming that encourage and support student learning and success, and prepare students for active citizenship and meaningful careers. In her role as president of Keene State College, Huot brings a vision that is informed by her experience as a first generation college student, a native of New Hampshire, and an educator with extensive background in public higher education. She believes passionately in the need for accessibility to higher education for all students and the unique role, mission, and opportunities provided by institutions of public higher education. Her history as a faculty member and academic leader demonstrate her commitment to these values. From 2007 to 2013, Huot served as provost and vice-president for academic affairs at The College at Brockport, State University of New York, during which time she created an Office for Diversity, established a School of Business and Graduate School, and revised the general education program to introduce interdisciplinary teaching and learning. She has also served as associate provost and executive vice provost for the Office of Academic Affairs, State University of New York-System Administration in Albany, and she was a member of the University of Vermont faculty for fourteen years, including serving in the role of Graduate College executive dean. She has said that her training as a scientist informs her work as a university leader, allowing her to see problems from multiple angles, test hypotheses, and use data to inform decision-making.
The days' events begin with senior graduate student research talks from 9 to 11 a.m. in Room 200 in the Health Science Research Facility (HSRF). Junior graduate student research talks will take place in the HSRF 200 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., followed by a student research awards presentation and reception in the HSRF Hoehl Gallery.
For more information about the day's events, contact .