
The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont has a remarkable community that provides ample opportunities to connect with fellow graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Offerings include workshops, conferences, events and seminars to bring together the perspectives of our diverse specialties. It is important to share your voice and feel heard as well as get involved with our Larner Community. 

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  • Hagan Comments on Speech and Language Delay Screenings in Medscape Article
    January 14, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    An article on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s 2015 statement on screening specifically for speech and language delay in asymptomatic preschool-age children, features comments from UVM Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Joseph Hagan, Jr., M.D., F.A.A.P. View a PDF of the Medscape article here or subscribers can read the online version here
  • Fassler Comments on Adolescent Brain Science for Houston Press
    January 12, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    An article about a case in which a teenage girl was involved in a murder features comments on decision-making and problem-solving development in adolescents from UVM Clinical Professor of Psychiatry David Fassler, M.D., who also helped prepare an amicus brief for the Supreme Court in the case. Read the article in Houston Press.
  • Brumsted’s Announcement on Quality-Based Payment Featured in Multiple Media Outlets
    January 11, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    John Brumsted, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of the University of Vermont Medical Center and President and Chief Executive Officer of the University of Vermont Health Network, recently announced plans to link 80 percent of payments to quality of care by 2018, which continues to receive media coverage and is the topic in the interview "Three Questions With: John Brumsted, M.D.," from Hospitals & Health Networks. The announcement was mentioned inMedCity News and Dr. Brumsted wrote commentary which was featured in VTDigger and Vermont Business Magazine.

    For previous media placements, refer to the December 2015 Publicity Report.

  • Gerson Discusses Risks Associated with ‘Pox Parties’ in Article Featured in Multiple Media Outlets
    January 8, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    UVM Clinical Professor of Pediatrics William Gerson, M.D., authored an article discussing the serious risks associated with “chickenpox parties” – where children are intentionally exposed to the varicella zoster virus in hopes of immunizing them from a more serious infection down the road. Read the article in PediatricsAll Web News and Pharmacist.
  • Solomon Comments on Eliminating Kidney Injury from Contrast Media in Medscape, MD
    January 7, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    Comments from UVM Patrick Professor of Medicine Richard Solomon, M.D., continue to receive coverage and are again featured in a Medscape article regarding research from China suggesting that central venous pressure monitoring allows safe fluid administration, preventing contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with chronic kidney disease and congestive heart failure. View a PDF of the Medscape article here or subscribers can view the online article here.

    Read the MD article from December 9, 2015.

  • Hudziak’s Music and the Brain Study Continues to Receive Media Coverage
    January 7, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    Media coverage of a study on the impact of musical training on kids' ability to focus attention, control emotions, and diminish anxiety by James Hudziak, M.D., UVM professor of psychiatry and director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families, and colleagues Matthew Albaugh, Ph.D., postdoctoral associate, and graduate student research assistant Eileen Crehan, continues to receive media coverage. Most recently, the study was mentioned in an article, titled “10 Signs Your Child Has a High IQ,” from The Advertiserwhich originally appeared in The Sun.

    For a full list of media placements dating back to December 2014, click here.

  • Hebert Comments on Lawsuits Over Medical Record Breaches in Seven Days
    January 6, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    James Hebert, M.D., UVM professor and interim division chief of general surgery and executive vice chair for academic affairs, commented on the difficulties of reviewing electronic medical records privately during a recent meeting with Vermont lawmakers discussing a provision allowing patient lawsuits for breaches in the privacy of health data which was covered in Seven Days.
  • New Ultrasound Technique to Improve Obstetrical Care Featured in MedImaging Article
    January 6, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    A study showing a new volumetric technique which can increase accessibility to obstetric ultrasounds to aid in reducing infant mortality authored by Kristen DeStigter, M.D., UVM John P. and Kathryn H. Tampas Green and Gold professor and vice chair of radiology; Betsy Sussman, M.D., UVM professor of radiology; Matthew LeComte, Ph.D.; and Mary Streeter, R.T. was presented at the annual Radiological Society of North America meeting and covered in an article
  • Rettew Discusses Association Between Cannabis and Psychosis on Psychology Today Blog
    January 6, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    UVM Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics David Rettew, M.D., discusses new research looking beyond the association between cannabis and schizophrenia in a blog post authored for the ABCs of Child Psychiatry blog on Psychology Today. Read the blog post here.
  • Macauley Featured in Local Media Coverage of Welch Press Conference on Medicare Beneficiaries and Advanced Directives
    January 5, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    U.S. Representative Peter Welch (D-Vt.) introduced legislation encouraging Medicare beneficiaries to make treatment benefits known to families and providers. Robert Macauley, M.D., UVM professor of pediatrics and medical director of clinical ethics, attended the event and commented on the initiative. Read more about the announcement from:

    Vermont Business Magazine, ABC 22/Fox 44 News

  • Repp Comments on How the Body Processes Swallowed Gum for Nautilus Blog
    January 5, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    Comments on what happens to the body after chewing and swallowing gum or other items from Allen Repp, M.D., UVM associate professor of medicine, are featured on the Nautilus Blog in this post about “The Case for Common Sense Gum-Control.” Read the blog post here.
  • Annual Music Concert Founded by Weiss Mentioned in Times-Argus
    January 3, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    Beethoven’s Ninth, an annual concert featuring volunteer instrumentalists and choristers which was founded in 2002 by Daniel Weiss, M.D., Ph.D., UVM professor of medicine, was covered. Read the full article in the Times-Argus here.
  • Adler Appointment to Vermont Family Network Board of Directors Featured in Business People Vermont
    January 3, 2016 by Brittany Willette
    Business People Vermont announced the recent appointment of four new members to Vermont Family Network’s Board of Directors which included Abigail Adler, M.D., UVM assistant professor of pediatrics. View the announcement in Business People Vermont here.
  • Strader and Lahiri interviewed in Seven Days on Rising Drug Prices
    December 2, 2015 by Heather McCabe
    (DECEMBER 2, 2015) Professor in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Doris Strader, M.D. and Professor of Pediatrics Thomas Lahiri, M.D. were interviewed by Seven Days on the rise of specialty drugs in Vermont.
  • Sprague, Weaver & Stein to Study Mechanisms Underlying Idle vs. Progessive Early Stage Breast Cancers
    November 11, 2015 by Sarah Keblin
    While better technology and screening practices have led to the detection of more breast cancers in women—many of which fall into a broad category of early-stage cancer, including ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS—researchers still do not understand why some of these early cancers remain idle, while others progress. With the support of a new, $3.7 million federal grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), an interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Vermont (UVM) Cancer Center will be looking to answer this question.

    Full story >>