
The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont has a remarkable community that provides ample opportunities to connect with fellow graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Offerings include workshops, conferences, events and seminars to bring together the perspectives of our diverse specialties. It is important to share your voice and feel heard as well as get involved with our Larner Community. 

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  • Silverman & Plante's Study Finds Link between Beta Blocker Use & Hospitalizations
    December 4, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    A new publication by UVM Clinical Instructor in Medicine Daniel Silverman, M.D., and Assistant Professor of Medicine Timothy Plante, M.D., M.H.S., in JAMA Network Open links use of beta-blockers to heart failure hospitalizations among those with this common “stiff heart” heart failure sub-type.
  • Cushman and Copeland Named to List of World’s Most Influential Researchers
    November 20, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    Two University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine faculty have been named to a list of the world’s most influential researchers, based on the number of times their published studies have been cited by other researchers over the past decade. Researchers on the list are in the top 1 percent of all scholars whose work has been cited. The prestigious Highly Cited Researchers list is compiled and published annually by Clarivate Analytics.
  • UVM Health Network Pilot Project Offers Patients Genomic DNA Testing
    November 18, 2019 by Annie Mackin
    The UVM Health Network is partnering with Invitae and LunaPBC on a pilot project to offer Genomic DNA Testing to patients as part of their clinical care. The pilot program is the beginning of an effort to increase the integration of genetic disease risks into routine medical care, which holds promise for providing Vermonters with valuable information to guide their health decisions.
  • Accolades & Appointments
    November 14, 2019 by User Not Found
    Read full story
  • Awards and Recognition
    November 14, 2019 by User Not Found
    Read full story
  • Benzinga Reports on McPartland Cannabis Origin Study
    November 9, 2019 by Lucy Gardner Carson
    (NOVEMBER 9, 2019) A study led by John McPartland, D.O., M.S., clinical assistant professor of family medicine, suggests that while cannabis is generally believed to have evolved in Asia and later dispersed to Europe by people, the plant was most likely indigenous to Europe long before humans were present.
    Read full story at Benzinga
  • Fujii Presents Postoperative Opioid Prescribing Study Results at ACS Meeting
    November 8, 2019 by American College of Surgeons
    A study that evaluated opioid prescribing patterns at the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) before and after state-mandated regulations went into effect was presented by UVM Larner College of Medicine Clinical Instructor of Surgery Mayo Fujii, M.D., M.S., at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2019.
  • Looking Back: Mike Cross’s 43 Years of Dedication to the College
    November 5, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    On October 25, 1976, Mike Cross joined UVM’s custodial services team, working alongside his father in the College of Medicine’s Given Building. As a young man, Mike Cross says he was shy. That characterization might come as a surprise to the hundreds of Larner College of Medicine students, faculty, staff, and alumni who have come to call the longtime University of Vermont staffer their friend over the past 43 years.
  • Research Excellence and Scholarship Highlighted at Annual Celebration Events
    October 30, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    The Larner College of Medicine's fourth annual "Celebrating Excellence in Research" series featured two days of presentations and recognition designed to highlight research performed by junior faculty, senior faculty, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate students at the College.
  • Med Students' Mobile Syringe Service Drives Harm Reduction Effort
    October 29, 2019 by Kim Asch
    Once a week, second-year medical students Noorin Damji and Kristina Valentine drive north to rural communities in Franklin County, Vt., in a well-stocked mobile outreach van to deliver free packs of sterile hypodermic syringes, fentanyl testing strips, and Narcan to people who inject drugs. This effort is known in public health as harm reduction.
  • Lead Gift from Alum Firestone Brings Planned Medical Research Building Closer
    October 22, 2019 by Ben Yousey-Hinds
    Steve Firestone, M.D.’69, has been an annual donor to the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine since the 1970s, and in the early 2000s, donated artwork to help enhance the students’ learning environment. When plans began to take shape for a new biomedical research facility at the College, Firestone was inspired to step forward with his first major gift to the University. And, as over two hundred attendees learned in a ceremony held at the Larner College of Medicine earlier this month, that gift is an important one.
  • Dixon Named Director of Vermont Lung Center
    October 22, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    Anne Dixon, M.A., BM BCh, professor of medicine and division chief of pulmonary disease & critical care medicine at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, has been named the new director of the Vermont Lung Center.
  • 22nd Annual Women's Health and Cancer Conference Draws More Than 800 From Community
    October 4, 2019 by Terry Caron
    It was a beautiful fall day of education and inspiration at the 22nd annual Women’s Health and Cancer Conference. More than 800 patients, providers, exhibitors and family members took part in this one-day, free event.
  • Welcome New Faculty
    October 18, 2019 by User Not Found
  • New Guidelines for Long-Term Use of Opioids
    October 17, 2019 by User Not Found
    New Guidelines for Long-Term Use of Opioids
  • Irvin & Colleagues Flavored E-Cigs & Asthma Study Covered by National Media Outlets
    October 16, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    (OCTOBER 15, 2019) Several news outlets recently covered a research study on flavored e-cigarettes and asthma published in Nature Scientific Reports by Larner faculty and trainees, including senior author and Professor of Medicine Charles Irvin, Ph.D. The study was funded through UVM's Tobacco Center on Regulatory Science (TCORS) grant.
  • Gramling & Vermont Conversation Lab Featured in Hospice News
    October 7, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    (OCTOBER 7, 2019) A story about the University of Vermont’s Conversation Lab, “which uses machine learning to develop algorithms designed to optimize clinician-patient discussions of serious illness, palliative care and end-of-life care," led by Robert Gramling, M.D., associate professor of family medicine and Miller Chair in Palliative Medicinewas featured in Hospice News.
    Read full story at Hospice News
  • Leahy-led Diabetes Panel Recommendations Featured in Multiple Media Outlets
    October 7, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    (OCTOBER 7, 2019) Coverage of recommendations from an Endocrine Society-convened panel of diabetes experts published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society and led by Professor of Medicine and Director of Endocinology, Diabetes & Metabolism John Leahy, M.D., received coverage in several media outlets.
  • Milestone Moments Old and New: White Coat and Reunion Weekend
    October 7, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur
    The first week of October saw milestones for both the newest students at the UVM Larner College of Medicine, and graduates stretching back eight decades. The College's Class of 2023 celebrated their White Coat Ceremony on Friday, October 4; and from Friday morning through the weekend, Larner graduates from as far back as the Class of 1944 returned to the campus where their medical careers began for Reunion 2019.
  • Article Published in EMRA co-written by Larner's Dreyfus and Schlein
    October 4, 2019 by User Not Found
    Read full story at EMRA