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Jackson Offers Strategies for ‘Sober January’ in Washington Post

January 24, 2023 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(JANUARY 24, 2023) Addiction specialist Peter Jackson, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry, provided suggestions for alcohol-free activities for individuals aiming to refrain from alcohol consumption in a Washington Post Well+Being article on “Dry January.”

Peter Jackson, M.D.

(JANUARY 24, 2023) Addiction specialist Peter Jackson, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry, provided suggestions for alcohol-free activities for individuals aiming to refrain from alcohol consumption in a Washington Post Well+Being article on “Dry January.” Dry January was initiated in 2012 by Alcohol Change UK, a British charity, to urge people to “take a break, live better, feel better, and start your new year the right way by giving up alcohol for 31 days.” Jackson suggests that folks “Make a list of what you can or plan to do, rather than only focusing on what you can’t or won’t do.”

Read full story at Washington Post