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Dunn Pens VT Digger Opinion Piece on Primary Care Shortage

December 6, 2022 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(DECEMBER 6, 2022) In an opinion piece in VT Digger, John Dunn, M.D., assistant professor of family medicine and a doctor at the UVM Urgent Care Center, focused on the need for more primary care doctors in Vermont—and what needs to change before that can happen.

John Dunn, M.D., assistant professor of family medicine and a doctor at the UVM Urgent Care Center

(DECEMBER 6, 2022) In an opinion piece in VT Digger, John Dunn, M.D., assistant professor of family medicine and a doctor at the UVM Urgent Care Center, focused on the need for more primary care doctors in Vermont—and what needs to change before that can happen.

“To make such changes means major overhaul of our systems,” he wrote. “Higher payments for primary care would need to come from somewhere, and who will give up a piece of the pie? Insurance, pharmaceutical and device manufacturing executives, hospital administrators, more highly paid providers and others? Our patients pay way too much as it is. Unless we as a society are willing to force change on all of the ‘players’ and redirect resources, then primary care will become a thing of the past.”

Read full story at VT Digger