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Sullivan Presents Poster at CF Conference, Healio News Reports

November 9, 2022 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(NOVEMBER 9, 2022) Vitamin D levels in patients with a deficiency and cystic fibrosis increased with a single high dose, according to a poster presented by Professor of Pediatrics Jillian S. Sullivan, M.D., and colleagues at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference held November 3-5 in Philadelphia, Healio News reported.

Jillian S. Sullivan, M.D.

(NOVEMBER 9, 2022) Vitamin D levels in patients with a deficiency and cystic fibrosis increased with a single high dose, according to a poster presented by Professor of Pediatrics Jillian S. Sullivan, M.D., and colleagues at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference held November 3-5 in Philadelphia, Healio News reported. “Stoss vitamin D dosing can be successfully implemented in routine cystic fibrosis care and increases vitamin D levels in [persons with cystic fibrosis] and vitamin D deficiency,” Sullivan and colleagues wrote.

Read full story at Healio News