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Levine Tells WVNY Fall/Winter COVID-19 Levels Appear Static

September 22, 2022 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(SEPTEMBER 22, 2022) Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., professor of medicine and associate dean for graduate medical education, told WVNY-TV he doesn’t expect to see a big change in COVID-19 levels this winter.

Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., professor of medicine and associate dean for graduate medical education

(SEPTEMBER 22, 2022) Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., professor of medicine and associate dean for graduate medical education, told WVNY-TV he doesn’t expect to see a big change in COVID-19 levels this winter.

Infection rates in the state have held steady, he said, and no new variant of the coronavirus has appeared on the horizon yet. “The numbers that we’ve been getting from across the state, and including UVM, to us don’t indicate any alarming change.”

Read full story at WVNY-TV