
The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont has a remarkable community that provides ample opportunities to connect with fellow graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Offerings include workshops, conferences, events and seminars to bring together the perspectives of our diverse specialties. It is important to share your voice and feel heard as well as get involved with our Larner Community. 

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Zigmund Comments on Lung Cancer Screening in Conjunction with UVM & Dartmouth Cancer Centers’ Announcement on NBC5

July 11, 2022 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(JULY 11, 2022) Beth Zigmund, M.D., associate professor of radiology and director of lung cancer screening for UVMMC, explained the benefits of early detection and treatment as part of the UVM and Dartmouth cancer centers’ newly launched partnership with the state’s cancer coalition, NBC5 reported.

Beth Zigmund, M.D.

(JULY 11, 2022) Beth Zigmund, M.D., associate professor of radiology and director of lung cancer screening for UVMMC, explained the benefits of early detection and treatment as part of the UVM and Dartmouth cancer centers’ newly launched partnership with the state’s cancer coalition, NBC5 reported. “If cancer is detected in a later stage when it’s spread to other organs, the five-year survival rate is about 6 percent. Whereas if you detect it early, before it’s spread, and it’s still in one lung, the survival rate is about 10 times that, so 60 percent," she said.