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Albaugh Cannabis Use & Brain Development Study in HealthDay Article

June 17, 2022 by Jennifer Nachbur

(JUNE 17, 2022) A study published in JAMA Psychiatry and authored by Matthew Albaugh, Ph.D., University of Vermont assistant professor of psychiatry, and colleagues, was featured in a HealthDay article, titled "Pot Use May Change the Teenage Brain, MRIs Show."

Matthew Albaugh, Ph.D. (at right), with colleague Alexandra Potter, Ph.D. (Photo: Andy Duback)

(JUNE 17, 2022) A study published in JAMA Psychiatry and authored by Matthew Albaugh, Ph.D., University of Vermont assistant professor of psychiatry, and colleagues, was featured in a HealthDay article, titled "Pot Use May Change the Teenage Brain, MRIs Show." Albaugh's research, which examined MRI brain scans from 800 teenagers who had already used marijuana, found "thinning of the cerebral cortex -- the outer layer of the brain responsible for thought, perception and language," said the article. The HealthDay article was picked up by several online news outlets.