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Seminar Series: Health & Healthcare in Rural NNE, March 26 RECORDED

March 12, 2021 by User Not Found

Link to Recording     Passcode: 9s!66rER 
Click for Flyer

(see below for hyperlinks)

Health & Healthcare in Rural Northern New England:  Challenges & Opportunities

John Olson, MEd, Chief, State Office of Rural Health & Primary Care (SORH/PC) │ Vermont Department of Health

Alisa Druzba, MA, Administrator, Rural Health & Primary Care Section │ New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services

Nicole Breton, MHS, Director, Rural Health & Primary Care Program │ Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention


• Compare and contrast healthcare issues facing rural areas of northern New England
• Understand connections between healthcare and social services in rural communities
• Learn about State and Federal resources to support rural healthcare in your state

Recorded Friday, March 26, 2021

PLEASE CONTACT Jennifer Smith with questions

Hyperlinks within slide presentation:
Social Determinants of Health: About Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) (
CDC Social Vulnerability Index: CDC's Social Vulnerability Index (SVI)

Green Mountain Care Board – health care regulation
Health Care Workforce Census Reports (40+ professions)
State Health Assessment 2018
State Health Improvement Plans
•New England Rural Health Association (NERHA) formerly the NE RH RoundTable
Institute for Health Improvement (IHI) – Open School & Virtual Trainings (via NEPI)

•NY Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH)
•Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) Univ. of Albany

   - Toolkits, Resources, Updates, etc. for your community or facility
   - Resources for rural and critical access hospitals
   - General research articles on rural health
   - Making the transition to value-based health care
   - advocacy, conferences