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National COVID Cohort Collaborate (N3C) Primer Jan 25 RECORDED

January 25, 2021 by User Not Found

UVM’s Center for Biomedical Innovation (CBi) is looking for project ideas for devices and software to improve rural delivery of medicine in Vermont and across the country.

National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C)

Access de-identified data from COVID patients around the country, speed up the research process

Ivette Emery, PhD │ N3C Co-Investigator, NNE-CTR Professional Development and Clinical Research Design, Epidemiology & Biostatistics Cores

The N3C is a National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) initiative to create a centralized national data platform that scientists can use to study COVID-19 and identify potential treatments.  Participating health care organizations submit de-identified clinical, laboratory and diagnostic data from patients tested for COVID-19. The N3C platform aggregates the information into a standard format, making it available to scientists and researchers exploring how to improve clinical care for the disease.

Why should you attend?  To learn:
•      What the N3C “enclave” encompasses; what resources are available
•      How to become an N3C investigator: initiate or join a research project

Click here for Recording
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