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Martin M. LeWinter (MMLW) Young Investigator Award

January 19, 2022 by Cardiovascular Research Institute of Vermont

Funding Announcement: The MMLW Funding mechanism is an initiative designed to provide funding for potentially high reward pilot projects proposed by innovative young investigators.
CVRI Funding Announcement
Martin M. LeWinter (MMLW) Young Investigator Award

The MMLW Funding mechanism is an initiative designed to provide funding for potentially high reward pilot projects proposed by innovative young investigators.

It is the purpose of this award to provide seed funding for a junior UVM/UVMMC cardiovascular faculty member or trainee with a novel concept that has the potential to lead to a significant advance in fundamental knowledge about the nature of living systems and/or to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. Basic, translational and clinical research may be supported.

Eligibility - UVM/UVMMC junior cardiovascular faculty member (within 5 years of initial faculty appointment) or trainee

Funding - up to $5,000 may be requested. Funding may be added to existing funding from other sources providing the total award does not exceed $20,000.

Applications will be accepted on an open basis contingent on availability of funds. 

Click here for full instructions and guidelines.