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Singh Interviewed by WCAX-VT About Proactive HIV Testing

May 29, 2019 by Michelle Bookless

(MAY 29, 2019) Devika Singh, M.D., UVM assistant professor of medicine and UVM Medical Center infectious disease specialist was interviewed at the Larner College of Medicine in April for a May 29th WCAX-VT story about the need to be more proactive with HIV testing for Vermont patients.

Devika Singh, M.D., UVM assistant professor of medicine and UVM Medical Center infectious disease specialist

(MAY 29, 2019) Devika Singh, M.D., UVM assistant professor of medicine and UVM Medical Center infectious disease specialist was interviewed at the Larner College of Medicine in April for a May 29th WCAX-VT story titled “Health professionals call for more HIV testing in Vermont.”

"It's a difficult burden to place it on patients for them to seek a primary care provider and ask for HIV testing, as far as we've come in the 30 odd years since HIV hit the map in the United States," said Singh. "It still carries a lot of stigma."

View the full segment here.