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McNamara Speaks at Gun Hearing at Vermont Statehouse

February 8, 2018 by Madi Wood

At a Vermont Statehouse hearing on February 8th, 2018, UVM Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Mariah McNamara, M.D., testified in favor of new gun control legislation that would require universal background checks on all gun sales in the state of Vermont.

Mariah McNamara, M.D., UVM Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

On February 8, 2018 over 1,000 people filled the Vermont Statehouse House chamber to hear testimony on new proposed gun legislation that would require universal background checks for all gun sales in the state of Vermont and "give law enforcement greater authority to confiscate weapons from violent individuals." 

Many of those who supported the new legislation cited Vermont's prominent domestic violence issues. Among those testifying was UVM Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Mariah McNamara, M.D. McNamara spoke about the psychological impacts of domestic violence saying, "The patients I have met truly feared for their lives while threatened, strangled or otherwise assaulted. We have no way to know which of the people who leave our emergency department will be murdered.”

Read the full story here.