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UVM's Bell Speaks with NBC News about Talking to Parents About Childhood Vaccincations

May 25, 2017 by Madi Wood

NBC News recently highlighted UVM Larner College of Medicine Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Rebecca Bell, M.D., in an article titled, "Vermont Doctor Handles Vaccine Skeptics With a Listen-First Approach."

Rebecca Bell, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics

NBC News recently highlighted UVM Larner College of Medicine Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Rebecca Bell, M.D., in an article titled, "Vermont Doctor Handles Vaccine Skeptics With a Listen-First Approach." In the article, Bell speaks about how she addresses questions and concerns from parents about the vaccinations recommended for their children. For instance, when parents cite concerns about the ingredients a 'toxins' in vaccines, Bell explains, "Although there are some scary sounding ingredients in a vaccine, there is nothing in a high enough dose that should cause a problem." She adds, "We already have aluminum in our bodies. We already have formaldehyde in our bodies." 

Read more about childhood vaccinations and Bell's answers to tough questions about them here.