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Member Highlight: Long Tran, M.D.

March 6, 2017 by Mitra Sadigh

Dr. Long is a neurosurgeon at Cho Ray Hospital who recently completed three months of observership training in the ICU at Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut.

Long Tran, M.D. (Courtesy Photo)

Dr. Long is a neurosurgeon at Cho Ray Hospital who recently completed three months of observership training in the ICU at Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut. Dr. Long was a major asset to his colleagues for contributing his clinical knowledge and cultural background. He returned to Vietnam where he will be training incoming students and residents during their global health electives.

An exemplary role model for capacity building, Dr. Long embraced the exchange of ideas during his time in the United States. "Global health has brought many opportunities and exposures to a new healthcare system, which is both similar and different from my own. What I saw and learned during my training experience will not be lost when I return to Vietnam. It will enhance my practice and teaching."