
The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont has a remarkable community that provides ample opportunities to connect with fellow graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Offerings include workshops, conferences, events and seminars to bring together the perspectives of our diverse specialties. It is important to share your voice and feel heard as well as get involved with our Larner Community. 

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Fossati Discusses Benefits of Mindfulness for Patients with CAD in Forbes

February 14, 2017 by Kate Skinas

Those suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD) may find relief by integrating mindfulness practices into their daily lives.

Andrèa Fossati, M.D., physician of integrative health at the University of Vermont, instructor at the Larner College of Medicine, and physician in adult primary care at the University of Vermont Medical Center. (Photo: LCOM Creative Services)

(FEBRUARY 10, 2017) Those suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD) may find relief by integrating mindfulness practices into their daily lives. Andrèa Fossati, M.D., instructor at the Larner College of Medicine and physician in integrative health, discusses some of the many mindfulness practices that she suggests to her patients, as well as the benefits these practices have for patients with CAD. Read more in Forbes.