Faculty & Staff

Department of Family Medicine Leadership
 Shalina Nair, MD, MBAProfessor and Chair, Network Department of Family Medicine 
McCray_LauraLaura McCray, MD


Professor and Vice Chair of Education and Faculty Affairs, Network Department of Family Medicine

Email | Bio

Robert Gramling, MD, DSc
Professor and Network Vice Chair for Research 


Administrative Staff
 Lori DurieuxDepartment Administrator Email
 Alexis FreemanExecutive AssistantEmail
 Bea Cobeo Financial AssistantEmail
 Rhonda HanleyStudent Services SpecialistEmail
 Angie PerrasResidency Education CoordinatorEmail


Department of Family Medicine Full-time Faculty
Bamford_Jennifer_HJennifer Bamford, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Caitlin Baran, MDAssistant Professor and Associate Program Director Hospice and Palliative Medicine FellowshipEmail | Bio
 Sarah Beladi, MDAssistant Professor 
Berns_Stephen_vStephen Berns, MDAssociate Professor; Division Head, Holly and Bob Miller Chair of Palliative Medicine; Program Director for the Hospice and Palliative Medicine FellowshipEmail | Bio
 Lauren Bode, PharmDAssistant Professor 
 Kathy Boland, PharmDAssociate Professor 
 Mary Bouras, MDAssistant Professor 
Calkins_Whitney_UVMWhitney Calkins, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Cangiano_MichelleMichelle Cangiano, MDAssociate Professor and Physician Site LeaderEmail | Bio
Laura Beth Chamberlain, MDAssistant Professor and Associate Program Director, Family Medicine ResidencyEmail | Bio
CichoskiKelly_EileenEileen CichoskiKelly, PhDAssociate ProfessorEmail | Bio
Clements_Ben_HBen Clements, MD, FAWMAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Jaina Clough, MDAssistant Professor and HPM Bridge Week Course DirectorEmail | Bio
Kelley Collier, MDAssistant Professor and Clerkship DirectorEmail | Bio
Kayla Corbett, MDAssistant Professor Email | Bio
 Sarah Davies, MDAssistant Professor 
 Judy Fingergut, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
 Benjamin Flinn, MDAssistant Professor 
 Matthew Gervais, MDAssistant Professor and Elective Lead for Students and Residents 
 Maggie Graham, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail
 Kathryn Grenoble, MDAssistant Professor 
 Arturo Guajardo, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Hageman_KimberlyKimberly Hageman, MDAssistant Professor and Physician Site LeaderEmail | Bio
Harrison, MaryMary Harrison, DOAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Humphrey_RachelRachel Humphrey, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Justin Hurlburt, DMD, MAClinical Assistant Professor and Dental Residency DirectorEmail | Bio
 Rachel Inker, MDAssistant Professor and Physician Site LeaderEmail
 Alicia Jacobs, MDAssociate Professor 
Anja Jokela, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Amalia Kane, MDAssistant Professor Email| Bio
Keegan_ClaraClara Keegan, MDAssociate ProfessorEmail | Bio
King_JohnJohn King, MD, MPHProfessor and Associate Dean for Continuing Medical and Interprofessional EducationEmail l Bio
Kolb_AmandaAmanda Kolb, MDAssistant Professor 
Email | Bio
Koutras_AnyaAnya Streeter, MDAssociate Professor and Director of Fourth-Year ProgramsEmail | Bio
 Meghan Lane, MDAssistant Professor 
Nancy Long, MDAssociate Professor and Medical Director of Hospice for UVM Home Health and HospiceEmail | Bio
Jose (Tony) Lopez, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio 
Elizabeth Landell, MDAssistant Professor Email | Bio 
Leubbers_RobertRobert Luebbers, MDAssociate Professor Email | Bio
Maloney_Sean_vSean Maloney, MDAssistant Professor and Physician Site LeaderEmail | Bio
Mariani_Kathy_WKatherine Mariani, MD, MPHAssociate Professor Email | Bio
 Karla Martinez-Dulmer, MDAssistant Professor 
Morris_AnneAnne Morris, MDAssociate Professor and Residency Program DirectorEmail | Bio
 Scott Neary, MDAssistant Professor 
 Clare O'Grady, DOAssistant Professor and Porter Medical Center Site Lead 
 Thomas Peterson, MDProfessor Emeritus 
Powers_GordonGordon Powers, MDAssistant Professor and Associate Residency DirectorEmail | Bio
Reback_Charlotte_WCCharlotte Reback, MDAssociate Professor, EmeritaEmail | Bio
Maija Reblin, PhDAssociate Professor Email | Bio
Reisman_DavidDavid Reisman, MDAssistant Professor and Physician Site LeaderEmail | Bio
Reiter_Aaron_WCAaron Reiter, MDAssistant Professor and Assistant Clerkship DirectorEmail | Bio
Rodriguez_Brian_HBrian Rodriguez, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
 Charles Schmitt, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Martha SeagraveMartha Seagrave, PA-CProfessor and Director of Medical Student Education ProgramsEmail | Bio
 Jacob Shaw, MDAssistant Professor 
Andrew Sheridan, MDAssistant Professor Email | Bio
Sproul_MargaMarga Sproul, MDAssociate Professor of Family Medicine EmeritaEmail | Bio
Christine Staats, MDAssistant Professor Email | Bio
Swift_David_HWDavid Swift, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Ward_Norman_WCNorm Ward, MDAssociate ProfessorEmail | Bio
John Wax, MDAssistant Professor and Associate Program Director Hospice and Palliative Medicine FellowshipEmail | Bio
Weinstein_DanDaniel Weinstein, MDAssistant ProfessorEmail | Bio
Whitney_Patty_HPatricia Whitney, MDAssistant Professor Email | Bio
Williams_AnthonyAnthony Williams, MDAssistant Professor and Assistant Dean for AdmissionsEmail | Bio