Current CRC Protocols Recruiting Subjects

13-301 Dr. Stephen Higgins & Dr. Sarah Heil



Seeking women age 18-44 who currently smoke. This is a UVM study to learn about the effects of different levels of nicotine in cigarettes.


Female smoker who are not interested in quitting smoking.


  • 15 visits (2-4 hours each)
  • Flexible scheduling
  • This is NOT a quit smoking program
  • Compensation: $2300

For information:

Call 802-656-0392 or email for details

13-302 Dr. Stephen Higgins & Dr. Stacey Sigmon



Seeking methadone or buprenorphine patients who currently smoke.

This is a UVM study to learn about the effects of different levels of nicotine in cigarettes.


Smokers who are on methadone or buprenorphine maintenance and are not interested in quitting smoking.


  • 15 visits (2-4 hours each)
  • Flexible scheduling
  • This is NOT a quit smoking program
  • Compensation: $2300

For information:

Call 802-656-0392 or email for details

13-303 Dr. Stephen Higgins & Dr. Diann Gaalema



Seeking cigarette smokers who have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

This is a UVM study to learn about the effects of different levels of nicotine in cigarettes.


Smokers diagnosed with depression and anxiety and are not interested in quitting smoking.


  • 15 visits (2-4 hours each)
  • Flexible scheduling
  • This is NOT a quit smoking program
  • Compensation: $2300

For information:

Call 802-656-0392 or email for details


17-0180 Dr. Matthew Price, PhD

Brain Resilience in Trauma Exposure Research Study

Lots of people have been through a highly stressful or traumatic experience early on in life. Many move on from these events but some have a hard time doing so. Looking at the brain can help us figure out why two people can have a different reaction to the same event and how to better help those who need it.

Young adults (ages 18-20) who have been through a highly stressful experience are eligible to participate . Participation involves two days. The first day takes about 3-4 hours and the second day takes about 2 hours (and involves an MRI).

Those who are eligible and participate are compensated $250. Additional compensation is available for travel

Contact the Center for Research on Emotion Stress and Technology University of Vermont at 802-656-9196,



17-1062 Dr. Sarah Guth

The Vermont Family Based Approach (VFBA) OB Pilot Study

Why is this study being conducted?

Families play the most important role in their children’s health. Parents teach children how to think about health and health problems. They also teach children habits of living that strongly influence health, such as cooking, eating, exercising, sleeping, reading and seeking preventive care. A woman’s own health is crucial to her ability to carry a child and to parent.

The Vermont Family Based Approach (VFBA) was developed by Dr. Jim Hudziak, and modified by the principal investigator, Dr. Sarah Guth, for obstetrics patients. The VFBA is an approach to healthcare that focuses on the entire family, including the parents, and the VFBA/OB extends this to pregnant women. In the VFBA, emotional and behavioral health is seen as the key aspect of health. The VFBA’s motto is “No health without emotional and behavioral health!”

The study is being conducted to see how well the VFBA works in the OB Clinic. Specifically, we are interested in (1) how much women will participate in VFBA services if they were offered, (2) whether offering these services to your family will improve your family’s health, and (3) if the VFBA/OB is something clinics like UVM will want to use.

Who Can Take Part In The Study?

You have been invited to take part in the study because you are between 12 and 25 weeks gestation and you receive care at the UVM Obstetrics Clinic. Because we will be looking at outcomes after birth, your infant would also be considered a participant in our research.

For more information, please contact: Jasmine Marsh, Research Program Coordinator, at 802-847-1832 or

UVMCC 1604 Garth Garrison, MD

Efficacy of a Novel Biofeedback Motivational Intervention for Smoking Cessation

Have you been referred for lung cancer screening with a low-dose CT scan? Are you actively smoking? The UVM Cancer Center is currently recruiting patients to study the effects of a new communication method for CT scan results. This study includes free smoking cessation counseling and compensation of up to $300. There is no obligation to quit.

18-0295 Dr. Jana Kraft

Full-fat Yogurt and Glucose Tolerance


We are looking for volunteers to participate in a nutrition intervention study conducted at the Clinical Research Center (CRC) at the University of Vermont seeking to better understand the potential benefits of dairy fat against type 2 diabetes.


Men and women ages 45 to 75 with prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes and a BMI between 20 and 45.


  • 8 consecutive weeks consisting of 4 diet periods during which all food will be provided by the CRC
  • Questionnaires
  • Physical exam and blood test to determine eligibility
  • Blood and stool tests at baseline and the end of the two experimental diets
  • $1,000 compensation is provided if you qualify and complete the study

For information: Call 802-656-9422 or email (email is preferred) or see the Study Flyer.